So I've checked the site and I've seen questions close to what I am looking for but not exactly the same.
I am trying to figure out how to position an element so that when scrolled (up / down) the position is fixed, but when the browser is resize (left / right) the position is absolute or relative.
Essentially I want to place an element 10% (for example) from the top left of the browser window and have it stay there on scroll /window resize.
如果你想要的东西总是固定在某个位置,即使浏览器滚动/调整大小,你可以为你的 css 试试这个
if what you want is always fixed in some position even if the browser is scrolled / resized, you may try this for your css
.fixedelement {
position: fixed;
top: 10%;
left: 10%;
width: 80%; /*my example*/
height: 10%;