Are we going to be able to use dart not only on the client/browser, but also on our server?
为服务器编写一些代码。 Apache,接受浏览器请求,查询数据库并向浏览器返回响应?可能是创建网络服务?
Write some code for a server e.g. Apache, accept browser requests, query a database and return a response to browser? Maybe create web services?
Edit: here is the link to a video where server side Dart is confirmed:
更长的答案。 Dart VM已包含HTTP聊天服务器示例,该示例说明如何使用 HTTP API实现Web服务。一般来说,库包含用于服务器端编程的功能,例如套接字和文件/目录处理。
Longer answer. The Dart VM already contains a HTTP chat server example that shows how to use the dart:io HTTP API to implement a web service. In general the dart:io library contains functionality that is meant to be used in server side programming such as sockets and file/directory handling.
它还是很早的阶段,但现在你可以玩一些使用Dart SDK实现连接/节点样式应用程序。
Its still very early stage but already now you can play around with some early attempts of implementing connect/node style applications using the Dart SDK.
对于客户端和服务器之间的通信,您必须使用传统的REST / HTTP机制,但在将来(当在Dart中实现反射时)能够序列化实际的Dart对象,从而在客户端和服务器之间共享它们。
As for communicating between the client and the server you will have to use classic REST/HTTP mechanisms, but in the future (when reflection is implemented in Dart) you will be able to serialize actual Dart objects and thus share them between the client and server.