

从Azure门户,我们可以轻松创建Function App.一旦创建了功能应用程序,我们就可以向该应用程序添加功能.

From the Azure Portal, we can easily create Function Apps.Once the Function App is created, we can add functions to the app.

就我而言,从自定义模板中,我选择的是C#,API和Webhooks,然后选择通用Webhook C#模板.

In my case, from the custom templates, I'm selecting C#, API & Webhooks, and then selecting the Generic Webhook C# template.

在集成"菜单的" HTTP标题"标题下,有一个下拉框,其中有两个选项:所有方法"和选定方法".然后,我选择 Selected Methods (选择的方法),然后可以选择该功能可以支持的HTTP方法.我希望我的功能支持GET,PATCH,DELETE,POST和PUT.

From the Integrate menu, under the HTTP Header heading, there is a drop down box to with 2 selections: All Methods and Selected Methods. I then choose Selected Methods, and then have the option to select which HTTP methods the function can support. I would like my function to support GET, PATCH, DELETE, POST and PUT.


From within the C# run.csx code, how can I tell what method was used to invoke the method? I would like to be able to take different actions within the function code based on the HTTP method that was used to invoke the function.





Answering my own question... you can examine the HttpRequestMessage's Method property, which is of type HttpMethod.


HttpMethod MSDN文档


Gets or sets the HTTP method used by the HTTP request message.

  • 命名空间:System.Net.Http
  • 组装:System.Net.Http(在System.Net.Http.dll中)
  • Namespace: System.Net.Http
  • Assembly: System.Net.Http (in System.Net.Http.dll)


#r "Newtonsoft.Json"

using System;
using System.Net;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

public static async Task<object> Run(HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
    log.Info($"Webhook was triggered!");

    if (req.Method == HttpMethod.Post)
        log.Info($"POST method was used to invoke the function ({req.Method})");
    else if (req.Method == HttpMethod.Get)
        log.Info($"GET method was used to invoke the function ({req.Method})");
        log.Info($"method was ({req.Method})");


08-02 00:52