


I am desperately trying to get YouCompletMe working on windows, the author clearly says that there is no official support for windows so that's fair enough. Though there is a wiki to build it on windows and you find 1/2 people online claiming they succeded in building it on windows without semantic support for C/C++...

我想知道我是否可以使用编译的 c> c> c> 环境
变量(推荐)旁边 ycm_core.pyd ;

  • 所有3个组件(LLVM / Clang,Vim,

  • 您可以在

    1. Don't forget to have Python 2 DLL (e.g. python27.dll) and Python 2Interpreter (python.exe) in the PATH environment variable;
    2. Don't forget to have libclang.dll in the PATH environmentvariable (recommended) OR right next to ycm_core.pyd;
    3. Make sure that architectures of all 3 components (LLVM/Clang, Vim,YCM) match;
    4. You can find some hints on configuration in my other answer.


    08-05 17:18