本文介绍了Shibboleth SP-从Java读取断言属性的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I understand that configured attributes will be stored as environment variables by default and will be accessible like



I tried that and after some googling I understood that to access them in Java through AJP.


<ApplicationDefaults id="default" policyId="default"
    REMOTE_USER="eppn persistent-id targeted-id"
    signing="false" encryption="false" attributePrefix="AJP_">


I did that but I still keep getting null in my Java application

  • Shib-Identity-Provider-空

  • Shib-Session-ID-空

  • Shib-Application-ID-空


Could someone help me figure out what I am missing to make it work?


  1. 确保属性映射文件中包含此字段。

  1. Make sure you have this field in you attribute map file.


1.1 And idP has to send the attribute too.

由于属性前缀为 AJP_,因此属性将以 AJP_attributeName(这也可以有所不同)

Since you have attribute prefix as "AJP_" your attributes will be coming as "AJP_attributeName" (This can vary too)

2.1您必须打开通常在8009上侦听的AJP端口,然后将/ secure路径重定向到AJP。

2.1 You have to open up your AJP port which usually listens on 8009 and redirect the /secure path to AJP. You have to do this in apache to forward proxy as AJP.

2.2在您的/ secure路径的servlet /处理程序中,尝试获取属性为 request。 getHeader( AJP_attrName)

2.2 In your servlet/handler of /secure path try getting attribute as request.getHeader("AJP_attrName").

(如果这不起作用,也可以尝试以下方法。a。 reqest.getAttribute( attr) b。 reqest.getAttribute( AJP_attr) c。 header.getAttribute( attr) c。 header.getAttribute( AJP_attr)。我告诉你尝试一下,因为我很早以前就已经这样做了,我不确定确切的方法。)

(Can try following too if this does not work a. reqest.getAttribute("attr") b. reqest.getAttribute("AJP_attr") c. header.getAttribute("attr") c. header.getAttribute("AJP_attr"). I am telling you to try out this because I have done this long time ago and I am not sure about exact method.)

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07-22 19:48