


I have one tf-idf example from an ISI paper. I’m trying to validate my code by this example. But I get different result from my code.I don’t know what the reason is!


acceptance     [ 0 1 0 1 1 0
information      0 1 0 1 0 0
media            1 0 1 0 0 2
model            0 0 1 1 0 0
selection        1 0 1 0 0 0
technology       0 1 0 1 1 0]


Tf-idf matrix from paper:

acceptance     [ 0   0.4   0   0.3   0.7  0
information      0   0.7   0   0.5   0    0
media            0.3  0   0.2   0    0    1
model            0    0   0.6   0.5  0    0
selection        0.9  0   0.6   0    0    0
technology       0   0.4   0   0.3   0.7  0]


My tf-idf matrix:

acceptance     [ 0   0.4   0   0.3   0.7  0
information      0   0.7   0   0.5   0    0
media            0.5  0   0.4   0    0    1
model            0    0   0.6   0.5  0    0
selection        0.8  0   0.6   0    0    0
technology       0   0.4   0   0.3   0.7  0]


tfidf = models.TfidfModel(corpus)


I’ve tried another code like this:

transformer = TfidfTransformer()
tfidf=transformer.fit_transform(counts).toarray() ##counts is term-document matrix


But I didn’t get appropriate answer


您提到的结果之间存在差异的原因是,论文中有许多计算TF-IDF的方法.如果您阅读 Wikipedia TF-IDF页面,则提到TF-IDF计算为

The reason of this difference between results as you mentioned is that there are many methods to calculate TF-IDF in papers. if you read Wikipedia TF-IDF page it mentioned that TF-IDF is calculated as


and both of tf(t,d) and idf(t,D) can be calculated with different functions that will change last result of TF_IDF value. Actually functions are different for their usage in different applications.

Gensim TF-IDF模型可以为tf(t,d)和文档中提到的idf(t,D).

Gensim TF-IDF Model can calculate any function for tf(t,d) and idf(t,D) as it mentioned in it's documentation.

weight_ {i,j} =频率_ {i,j} * log_2(D/document_freq_ {i})


weight_ {i,j} = wlocal(frequency_ {i,j})* wglobal(document_freq_ {i},D)


so you can plug in your own custom wlocal and wglobal functions.


Default for wlocal is identity (other options: math.sqrt, math.log1p, ...) and default for wglobal is log_2(total_docs / doc_freq), giving the formula above.


Now if you want to reach exactly the paper result, you must know what functions it used for calculating TF-IDF matrix.


Also there is a good example in Gensim google group that shows how you can use custom function for calculating TF-IDF.


07-01 08:17