


I'm using ES for searching a huge list of human names employing fuzzy search techniques.

TF适用于评分,但我实际上不需要IDF在这种情况下。这确实是在稀释分数。我仍然希望将TF和Field Norm应用于得分。

TF is applicable for scoring, but IDF is really not required for me in this case. This is really diluting the score. I still want TF and Field Norm to be applied to the score.

如何为查询禁用/抑制IDF,但保留TF和Field Norm?

How do I disable/suppress IDF for my queries, but keep TF and Field Norm?


I came across the Disable IDF calculation thread, but it did not help me. It also seems like the constant score query would not help me in this case.



When create index, we can put our own similarity calculate method into the setting parts, if you need only disable IDF and use others as the default setting, you can write just a simple script such as:

"script": {"source": "double tf = Math.sqrt(doc.freq); double idf = 1.0; double norm = 1/Math.sqrt(doc.length); return query.boost * tf * idf * norm;"`}


06-29 21:30