

  • 我有一个长度为7(7个主题)的列表
  • 列表中的每个元素都包含一个很长的单词字符串。
  • 列表中的每个元素都可以被视为一个主题,其中有一个长句将其区分开来
  • 我要检查哪些单词使每个主题具有唯一性(列表中的每个元素)


from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
train = read_train_file() # A list with huge sentences that I can't paste here

tfidfvectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(analyzer= 'word', stop_words= 'english')
tfidf_wm        = tfidfvectorizer.fit_transform(train)
tfidf_tokens    = tfidfvectorizer.get_feature_names()

df_tfidfvect = pd.DataFrame(data = tfidf_wm.toarray(), index=train_df.discourse_type.unique(), columns = tfidf_tokens)

for col in df_tfidfvect.T.columns:
subjetct: {col}")


for i, v in enumerate(train):
    print(f"subject: {i}: {train[i][:50]}")


subjetct: Position
people    0.316126
school    0.211516
Name: Position, dtype: float64

subjetct: Claim
people    0.354722
school    0.296632
Name: Claim, dtype: float64

subjetct: Evidence
people    0.366234
school    0.282213
Name: Evidence, dtype: float64

subjetct: Concluding Statement
people    0.385200
help      0.267567
Name: Concluding Statement, dtype: float64

subjetct: Lead
people    0.399011
school    0.336605
Name: Lead, dtype: float64

subjetct: Counterclaim
people       0.361070
electoral    0.321909
Name: Counterclaim, dtype: float64

subjetct: Rebuttal
people    0.31029
school    0.26789
Name: Rebuttal, dtype: float64




for i, v in enumerate(train):
    print(f"subject: {i}: {train[i][:50]}")

subject: 0: like policy people average cant play sports b poin
subject: 1: also stupid idea sports suppose fun privilege play
subject: 2: failing fail class see act higher c person could g
subject: 3: unfair rule thought think new thing shaped land fo
subject: 4: land form found human thought many either fight de
subject: 5: want say know trying keep class also quite expensi
subject: 6: even less sense saying first find something really




简而言之,skLearning的TfidfVectorizer使用与标准公式不同的公式,标准公式通常是idf(t) = log [ n / df(t) ]idf(t) = log [ n / (df(t) + 1) ](如果一个术语不在语料库中,则会调整分母以防止零除)。此外,

意思是skLearning使用的是tf术语在文档中出现的次数,而不是相对频率,即(number of times term 't' occurs in a document) / (number of terms in a document)。进一步的skLearning使用余弦相似归一化:

由于上述原因,结果可能与应用标准TF-IDF公式不同。此外,当语料库非常小时,语料库中频繁出现的单词将被给予较高的TF-IDF分数。然而,在文档中频繁出现而在所有其他文档中很少见的单词应该是那些被给予高TF-IDF分数的单词。我非常确定,如果您从TfidfVectorizer(stop_words= 'english')中删除停用词过滤,您甚至会看到停用词出现在得分最高的词中;而TF-idf已知也被用于删除停用词,因为停用词是语料库中非常常见的术语,因此得分非常低(顺便说一句,停用词可能被认为是特定数据集(领域)的噪音,但也可能是另一个数据集(领域)的信息量很大的特征。因此,是否去除它们应以实验和结果分析为基础。此外,如果生成二元/三元语法,则停止字词消除将允许它们更好地匹配)。


from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.read_csv("Reviews.csv", usecols = ['Text'])
train = df.Text[:7]

#tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(analyzer= 'word', stop_words= 'english')
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(analyzer= 'word')

Xtr = tfidf.fit_transform(train)
features = tfidf.get_feature_names_out()

 # Get top n tfidf values in row and return them with their corresponding feature names
def top_tfidf_feats(Xtr, features, row_id, top_n=10):
    row = np.squeeze(Xtr[row_id].toarray())  # convert the row into dense format first
    topn_ids = np.argsort(row)[::-1][:top_n] # produce the indices that would order the row by tf-idf value, reverse them (into descending order), and select the top_n
    top_feats = [(features[i], row[i]) for i in topn_ids]
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=top_feats ,columns=['feature', 'tfidf'])
    return df

top_feats_D1 = top_tfidf_feats(Xtr, features, 0)
print("Top features in D1
", top_feats_D1, '

top_feats_D2 = top_tfidf_feats(Xtr, features, 1)
print("Top features in D2
", top_feats_D2, '

top_feats_D3 = top_tfidf_feats(Xtr, features, 2)
print("Top features in D3
", top_feats_D3, '

import math
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

def tf(term, doc):
    terms = [term.lower() for term in word_tokenize(doc)]
    return terms.count(term) / len(terms)

def dft(term, corpus):
    return sum(1 for doc in corpus if term in [term.lower() for term in word_tokenize(doc)])

def idf(term, corpus):
    return math.log(len(corpus) /  dft(term, corpus))

def tfidf(term, doc, corpus):
    return tf(term, doc) * idf(term, corpus)

for i, doc in enumerate(train):
    if i==3: # print results for the first 3 doccuments only
    print("Top features in D{}".format(i + 1))
    scores = {term.lower(): tfidf(term.lower(), doc, train) for term in word_tokenize(doc) if term.isalpha()}
    sorted_terms = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    df_top_feats = pd.DataFrame()
    idx = 0
    for term, score in sorted_terms[:10]:
        df_top_feats.loc[idx, 'feature'] = term
        df_top_feats.loc[idx, 'tfidf'] = round(score, 5)
    print(df_top_feats, '

因此,您可以通过实现您自己的函数(如上所述)来使用标准公式计算TF-IDF并查看它对您的效果,和/或增加语料库的大小(就文档而言),从而解决问题。您也可以尝试在TfidfVectorizer(smooth_idf=False, norm=None)中禁用平滑和/或规格化,但是,结果可能与您当前拥有的结果没有太大不同。希望这能有所帮助。


            train = df.Text[:7]                                  train = df.Text[:100]                                   train = df.Text[:1000]
   Sklearn's Tf-Idf        Standard Tf-Idf             Sklearn's Tf-Idf           Standard Tf-Idf                Sklearn's Tf-Idf           Standard Tf-Idf

Top features in D1      Top features in D1          Top features in D1         Top features in D1            Top features in D1           Top features in D1
     feature     tfidf      feature    tfidf              feature     tfidf           feature   tfidf                feature     tfidf           feature    tfidf
0      than  0.301190   0      than  0.07631        0     better  0.275877     0     vitality  0.0903        0     vitality  0.263274     0     vitality  0.13545
1    better  0.301190   1    better  0.07631        1       than  0.243747     1       canned  0.0903        1  appreciates  0.263274     1     labrador  0.13545
2   product  0.250014   2      have  0.04913        2    product  0.229011     2        looks  0.0903        2     labrador  0.263274     2  appreciates  0.13545
3      have  0.250014   3   product  0.04913        3   vitality  0.211030     3         stew  0.0903        3         stew  0.248480     3         stew  0.12186
4       and  0.243790   4    bought  0.03816        4   labrador  0.211030     4    processed  0.0903        4      finicky  0.248480     4      finicky  0.12186
5        of  0.162527   5   several  0.03816        5       stew  0.211030     5         meat  0.0903        5       better  0.238212     5    processed  0.10826
6   quality  0.150595   6  vitality  0.03816        6      looks  0.211030     6       better  0.0903        6    processed  0.229842     6       canned  0.10031
7      meat  0.150595   7    canned  0.03816        7       meat  0.211030     7     labrador  0.0903        7       canned  0.217565     7       smells  0.10031
8  products  0.150595   8       dog  0.03816        8  processed  0.211030     8      finicky  0.0903        8       smells  0.217565     8         meat  0.09030
9    bought  0.150595   9      food  0.03816        9    finicky  0.211030     9  appreciates  0.0903        9         than  0.201924     9       better  0.08952

Top features in D2      Top features in D2          Top features in D2         Top features in D2            Top features in D2           Top features in D2
     feature     tfidf      feature    tfidf             feature     tfidf          feature    tfidf               feature     tfidf           feature    tfidf
0     jumbo  0.341277   0        as  0.10518        0     jumbo  0.411192      0      jumbo  0.24893         0      jumbo  0.491636       0      jumbo  0.37339
1   peanuts  0.341277   1     jumbo  0.10518        1   peanuts  0.377318      1    peanuts  0.21146         1    peanuts  0.389155       1    peanuts  0.26099
2        as  0.341277   2   peanuts  0.10518        2        if  0.232406      2    labeled  0.12446         2  represent  0.245818       2   intended  0.18670
3   product  0.283289   3   product  0.06772        3   product  0.223114      3     salted  0.12446         3   intended  0.245818       3  represent  0.18670
4       the  0.243169   4   arrived  0.05259        4        as  0.214753      4   unsalted  0.12446         4      error  0.232005       4    labeled  0.16796
5        if  0.210233   5   labeled  0.05259        5    salted  0.205596      5      error  0.12446         5    labeled  0.232005       5      error  0.16796
6  actually  0.170638   6    salted  0.05259        6  intended  0.205596      6     vendor  0.12446         6     vendor  0.208391       6     vendor  0.14320
7      sure  0.170638   7  actually  0.05259        7    vendor  0.205596      7   intended  0.12446         7   unsalted  0.198590       7   unsalted  0.13410
8     small  0.170638   8     small  0.05259        8   labeled  0.205596      8  represent  0.12446         8    product  0.186960       8     salted  0.12446
9     sized  0.170638   9     sized  0.05259        9  unsalted  0.205596      9    product  0.10628         9     salted  0.184777       9      sized  0.11954

Top features in D3      Top features in D3          Top features in D3         Top features in D3            Top features in D3           Top features in D3
   feature     tfidf          feature    tfidf          feature     tfidf            feature    tfidf             feature     tfidf             feature    tfidf
0     and  0.325182     0        that  0.03570      0    witch  0.261635       0       witch  0.08450        0     witch  0.311210        0       witch  0.12675
1     the  0.286254     1        into  0.03570      1     tiny  0.240082       1        tiny  0.07178        1      tiny  0.224307        1        tiny  0.07832
2      is  0.270985     2        tiny  0.03570      2    treat  0.224790       2       treat  0.06434        2     treat  0.205872        2       treat  0.07089
3    with  0.250113     3       witch  0.03570      3     into  0.203237       3        into  0.05497        3      into  0.192997        3        into  0.06434
4    that  0.200873     4        with  0.03448      4      the  0.200679       4  confection  0.04225        4        is  0.165928        4  confection  0.06337
5    into  0.200873     5       treat  0.02299      5       is  0.195614       5   centuries  0.04225        5       and  0.156625        5   centuries  0.06337
6   witch  0.200873     6         and  0.01852      6      and  0.183265       6       light  0.04225        6      lion  0.155605        6     pillowy  0.06337
7    tiny  0.200873     7  confection  0.01785      7     with  0.161989       7     pillowy  0.04225        7    edmund  0.155605        7     gelatin  0.06337
8    this  0.168355     8         has  0.01785      8     this  0.154817       8      citrus  0.04225        8   seduces  0.155605        8    filberts  0.06337
9   treat  0.166742     9        been  0.01785      9  pillowy  0.130818       9     gelatin  0.04225        9  filberts  0.155605        9   liberally  0.06337


05-20 05:31