







文档ID 1那只敏捷的棕狐跳过了那只懒狗"

文档ID 2安纳波利斯狡猾的狐狸酒吧位于教堂圈上"

文档ID 3位于历史区中心的教堂圈内"


另一方面,TF是t和d的一个函数.因此,文档ID 1的'the'TF为2.

I am using LETOR to make an information retrieval system. They use TF and IDF.I am sure TF is query-dependent. But IDF should be to, but:

"Note that IDF is document independent, and so all the documents under a query havesame IDF values."

But that does not make sense because IDF is part of the feature list. How will IDF for each document be calculated?


IDF is term specific. The IDF of any given term is document independent, but the TF is document specific.

To say it differently.Let's say we have 3 documents.

doc id 1"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

doc id 2"The Sly Fox Pub Annapolis is located on church circle"

doc id 3"Located on Church Circle, in the heart of the Historic District"

Now if IDF is (number of documents) / (number of documents containing term t)then the IDF for the term fox is 3/2 regardless of what the search is or what the document is. So IDF is a function of t.

TF on the other hand is a funciton on t and d. So the TF of 'the' for doc id 1 is 2.


09-25 07:14