

我在OpenGL ES中绘制了一条路径.如果需要,我可以将其转换为CGPath.

I have a path drawn in OpenGL ES. I can convert it to a CGPath if needed.


How would I check if it intersects itself (If the user created a complete loop)?


Graham Cox有一些关于如何检测CGPathRef和CGRect的交集的非常有趣的想法,与您的问题类似,可能具有教育意义.潜在的问题很困难,并且大多数实际的解决方案都是近似的.

Graham Cox has some very interesting thoughts on how to detect the intersection of a CGPathRef and a CGRect, which is similar to your problem and may be educational. The underlying problem is difficult, and most practical solutions are going to be approximations.

您可能还希望在 CGPathRef交叉点上查看此SO文章,这也与您的问题类似,并且一些建议的解决方案与上述Graham处于同一空间.

You may also want to look at this SO article on CGPathRef intersection, which is also simliar to your problem, and some of the proposed solutions are in the same space as Graham's above.


07-29 21:50