

您可能知道,在JavaScript '' + null = "null"'' + undefined = "undefined"中(在大多数浏览器中,我可以测试:Firefox,Chrome和IE).我想知道这种奇怪现象的根源(Brendan Eich头脑中的到底是什么?!),以及是否有任何在未来版本的ECMA中进行更改的目的.必须要做'sthg' + (var || '')将字符串与变量连接起来并使用诸如 Underscore 之类的第三方框架,或者使用锤子敲打果冻钉子,这确实令人沮丧.

As you may know, in JavaScript '' + null = "null" and '' + undefined = "undefined" (in most browsers I can test: Firefox, Chrome and IE). I would like to know the origin of this oddity (what the heck was in the head on Brendan Eich?!) and if there is any aim for changing it in a future version of ECMA. It's indeed pretty frustrating having to do 'sthg' + (var || '') for concatenating Strings with variables and using a third party framework like Underscore or other for that is using a hammer for jelly nail pounding.


To meet the criteria required by StackOverflow and clarify my question, it is a threefold one:

  • 使JS在String串联中将nullundefined转换为其字符串值的奇数背后的历史是什么?
  • 在将来的ECMAScript版本中,这种行为是否有可能改变?
  • String与潜在的nullundefined对象连接的最漂亮的方法是什么,而不会陷入此问题(在字符串中间获取"null"的某些"undefined")?按照主观标准 prettiest ,我的意思是:简短,干净且有效.不用说'' + (obj ? obj : '')并不是很漂亮……
  • What is the history behind the oddity that makes JS converting null or undefined to their string value in String concatenation?
  • Is there any chance for a change in this behavior in future ECMAScript versions?
  • What is the prettiest way to concatenate String with potential null or undefined object without falling into this problem (getting some "undefined" of "null" in the middle of the String)? By the subjective criteria prettiest, I mean: short, clean and effective. No need to say that '' + (obj ? obj : '') is not really pretty…


有几种方法,您自己部分提及了它们.简而言之,我能想到的 only 简洁方法是一个函数:

There are several ways, and you partly mentioned them yourself. To make it short, the only clean way I can think of is a function:

const Strings = {};
Strings.orEmpty = function( entity ) {
    return entity || "";

// usage
const message = "This is a " + Strings.orEmpty( test );


Of course, you can (and should) change the actual implementation to suit your needs. And this is already why I think this method is superior: it introduced encapsulation.


Really, you only have to ask what the "prettiest" way is, if you don't have encapsulation. You ask yourself this question because you already know that you are going to get yourself into a place where you cannot change the implementation anymore, so you want it to be perfect right away. But that's the thing: requirements, views and even envrionments change. They evolve. So why not allow yourself to change the implementation with as little as adapting one line and perhaps one or two tests?


You could call this cheating, because it doesn't really answer how to implement the actual logic. But that's my point: it doesn't matter. Well, maybe a little. But really, there is no need to worry because of how simple it would be to change. And since it's not inlined, it also looks a lot prettier – whether or not you implement it this way or in a more sophisticated way.


If, throughout your code, you keep repeating the || inline, you run into two problems:

  • 您重复了代码.
  • 而且由于您重复代码,因此将来很难维护和更改.


And these are two points commonly known to be anti-patterns when it comes to high-quality software development.


Some people will say that this is too much overhead; they will talk about performance. It's non-sense. For one, this barely adds overhead. If this is what you are worried about, you chose the wrong language. Even jQuery uses functions. People need to get over micro-optimization.

另一件事是:您可以使用代码"compiler" = minifier.这方面的好工具将尝试检测在编译步骤中内联哪些语句.这样,您可以保持代码的干净和可维护,并且如果您仍然相信它或确实有一个重要的环境,那么仍然可以得到最后的性能下降.

The other thing is: you can use a code "compiler" = minifier. Good tools in this area will try to detect which statements to inline during the compilation step. This way, you keep your code clean and maintainable and can still get that last drop of performance if you still believe in it or really do have an environment where this matters.


Lastly, have some faith in browsers. They will optimize code and they do a pretty darn good job at it these days.


08-30 04:55