我有一个测试,用于测试 Spring 应用程序的各个部分.它使用 SpringRunner
和 annotaion @SpringBootTest
所以它正在启动一个完整的 spring 服务器.
I have a test that is testing parts of a spring application.It is using SpringRunner
and the annotaion @SpringBootTest
so it is starting a full spring server.
Problem is that the test is being executed by a server that does not have access to the database, so I am getting a lot of connection timeouts that is slowing down the test.
The connection issues in itself isn't really a problem as the tests are mocking the calls to the database, and so they are not relying on the connection being there. It is just that the tests are slow(and ugly) with it.
So the tests looks kind of like this:
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class DispatcherTest
我认为问题在于有很多不同的 JPA 存储库正在像这样被扫描
I think that the issue is that there are a lot of different JPA repositories that are being scanned like this
那么有没有什么奇特的方式告诉 spring 不要连接到数据库,或者我是否必须模拟每个 JPA 存储库类?
So is there any fancy way of telling spring not to connect to the database or do I have to mock every single JPA repository class?
您可以使用 spring 配置文件来拆分您的配置.像这样:
You can use spring profiles to split your configuration. Something like this:
在这种情况下,我有三个配置文件来拆分每个配置.您可以在 此处查看文档 和 此处.
To start an application with some profiles, just do this:
java -Dspring.profiles.active=development -jar yourApplication.jar
在您的情况下,您可以使用配置文件测试连接嵌入式(例如 H2)或其他本地数据库以测试实现.
(I'm not a native English speaker, may contain grammar errors)
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