

我正在 http://www上使用该示例. eclemma.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/examples/java/ReportGenerator.java


I would like to exclude some classes from the report generation. I assume it has to be set in the Analyzer but I could find an example.


  1. 您可以声明一个新的构造函数,该构造函数接受另一个数组列表参数(请勿更改以前的构造函数,因为其他类正在使用它).

  1. You can declare a new constructor that takes another array list argument(Do not change the previous constructor as other classes use it).

public Analyzer(final ExecutionDataStore executionData,
        final ICoverageVisitor coverageVisitor, ArrayList<String> excludeClassPathArrayList) {
this.executionData = executionData;
this.coverageVisitor = coverageVisitor;
this.stringPool = new StringPool();
this.excludeClassPathArrayList = excludeClassPathArrayList;

  • 然后在ContentTypeDetector.CLASSFILE:中修改方法analyzeAll(final InputStream input, final String location),您可以这样做,如果位置在arrary列表中包含排除类路径,请像对待其他所有内容类型(return 0)一样忽略它们.

  • Then modify method analyzeAll(final InputStream input, final String location), in ContentTypeDetector.CLASSFILE:, you can do like this, if location contains exclude class path in arrary list, ignore them just like all other content types(return 0).

    mvn clean install重新编译jacoco源代码.

    mvn clean install to recompile the jacoco source code.


    You can see excluded classes also exclude from generated report. As the implementation is very simple so I do not provide code example.


  • 09-24 18:23