我从 本教程开始学习 IntelliJ IDEA 中的 Kotlin.
I started off with this tutorial for learning Kotlin in IntelliJ IDEA.
When I tried running the following example,
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Build fails with the following error:
Error:(5, 5) Kotlin: Unresolved reference: println
这是我第一次使用 IntelliJ.我也从未从事过 Java 项目.我错过了什么吗?
This is the first time I am using IntelliJ. I have never worked on a Java project either. Am I missing something?
I have already seen this other question, though it is not valid for my situation.
您的 Intellij IDEA 插件和您在项目中使用的 Kotlin 运行时/编译器需要匹配.例如,如果 IDE 插件是 Beta 1,但您的 Gradle/Maven 项目使用 M12,您将遇到与您描述的完全一样的问题.因此,请检查所有内容是否对齐.
Your Intellij IDEA plugin and the Kotlin runtime/compiler that you use in the project need to match. For example if IDE plugin is Beta 1, but your Gradle/Maven project using M12, you'll have issues exactly as you described. So check that everything lines up.
如果您仍然有问题,对于一些较旧的插件,您需要清除 Intellij IDEA 中的缓存(文件菜单,清除缓存并重新启动,选择重新启动选项).
If you still have issues, with some older plugins you need to clear the caches in Intellij IDEA (file menu, Clear Caches and Restart, select option to restart).
这篇关于IntelliJ 中的 Kotlin 未解决的参考的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!