I have a piechart with four labels:
var data = [{
data: [50, 55, 60, 33],
labels: ["India", "China", "US", "Canada"],
backgroundColor: [
borderColor: "#fff"
使用 chartjs-plugin-datalabels
插件我想用下面的代码在每个 Pie 块中显示百分比值:
Using chartjs-plugin-datalabels
plugin I wanted to show percentage value in each Pie piece with below code:
formatter: (value, ctx) => {
let datasets = ctx.chart.data.datasets;
if (datasets.indexOf(ctx.dataset) === datasets.length - 1) {
let sum = 0;
datasets.map(dataset => {
sum += dataset.data[ctx.dataIndex];
let percentage = Math.round((value / sum) * 100) + '%';
return percentage;
} else {
return percentage;
color: '#fff',
我得到了所有馅饼的 100% 价值,而不是各自的百分比.这是 JSFiddle (https://jsfiddle.net/kingBethal/a1Lvn4eb/7/)
I am getting 100% value for all the pie pieces, instead of respective percentages.Here is the JSFiddle (https://jsfiddle.net/kingBethal/a1Lvn4eb/7/)
更新了 2 位小数精度的小提琴.
Updated fiddle with 2 decimal precision.
You were not computing the sum, instead storing the current value in sum only for every value.
var data = [{
data: [50, 55, 60, 33],
labels: ["India", "China", "US", "Canada"],
backgroundColor: [
borderColor: "#fff"
var options = {
tooltips: {
enabled: false
plugins: {
datalabels: {
formatter: (value, ctx) => {
let sum = 0;
let dataArr = ctx.chart.data.datasets[0].data;
dataArr.map(data => {
sum += data;
let percentage = (value*100 / sum).toFixed(2)+"%";
return percentage;
color: '#fff',
var ctx = document.getElementById("pie-chart").getContext('2d');
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'pie',
data: {
datasets: data
options: options