

Google和Polymer发布的新Material Design是最好的(如果不是唯一的)库之一,可以轻松创建这样的设计,是否有人使用该库开发Chrome Packaged App以获得Material Design外观它提供?目前,它通过Google非常严格的CSP获取脚本块

With the new Material Design released by Google and Polymer being one of the best, if not only, libraries to create such a design with ease, is there anyone to develop a Chrome Packaged App using the library to get the Material Design look it provides? Currently, it gets scripted block by Google's very strict CSP



Check out Vulcanize: http://www.polymer-project.org/articles/concatenating-web-components.html

这是一个用于将HTML导入压缩到单个文件中的构建工具。它还有一个 - csp 选项,可将< script> 移动到自己的文件中。这将使CSP满意。

It's a build tool for crushing HTML imports into a single file. It also has a --csp option that moves <script> into its own file. This will make CSP happy.


10-23 18:28