

我在学习 OCCAM 和 CSP(通信顺序过程)时看到了一个问题.我找到了一些基本的答案,例如;

I saw a question while I was studying for OCCAM and CSP ( Communicating Sequential Processes ). I found some basic answers like;

  • 它们都用于并行编程,
  • 他们用问号(?)输入,
  • 发送带有感叹号 (!) 的输出.


But I want to find out more technical details about their common features.



Hoare 的 CSP 于 1979 年至 1984 年完成,当时他的关于 CSP 的书(今天有大约 260 多页) 于 1985 年首次出版.


Hoare's CSP was completed during 1979 ~ 1984, when his Book on CSP ( today having some 260+ pages ) was first published in 1985.

这个最终版本的 CSP 还包括通道,允许进程间通信和同步机制.

This final version of CSP also includes channels, that allow process-to-process communication and synchronisation mechanics.

David May 与 Hoare 在牛津的团队一起,在 CSP 的发展过程中同时开发了 occam,这是一种与 InMOS 紧密结合的语言> 非常创新且非常先进的TRANSPUTER 处理器网络,有意将 CSP 融入实用的编程语言.

David May, along with Hoare's team at Oxford, has concurrently with the evolution of CSP developed occam, a language tightly knit to the InMOS very innovative and very advanced TRANSPUTER processor-networks, deliberately intended to blend CSP into a practical programming language.

当代语言可能源自 occam 语言概念的无与伦比的高级功能.

There are un-"paralleled" advanced features of the occam language concept that contemporary languages may source from.

一个有趣的示例代码 (C) 2000,Fred Barnes 和 Peter Welch 的一些修复/修改说明了语言/CSP 频道概念在酒吧模拟器的玩具示例上的力量,提供啤酒,同时保持代码可读并富有表现力.

A funny sample code (C) 2000, Fred Barnes with some fixes/mods from Peter Welch illustrates the powers of the language/CSP channel concepts on a toy example of a Bar-simulator, serving beers, while keeping the code readable and expressive.

-- ...(cleared for clarity >>> http://frmb.org/download/bar.occ )
-- ..
-- .
PROC        bar.tender ( []CHAN OF BYTE  req, rsp,
                           CHAN OF INT   mode.change,
                           CHAN OF O.REQ d.chan,
                           SEMAPHORE     d.sem,
                           CHAN OF BOOL  kill
  CHAN OF BYTE spinal.chord:
  CHAN OF BOOL kill.brain, kill.body:

    --{{{  terminator SEQ, BUT DECLARED TO RUN IN TRUE-PARALLEL EXEC WITH bar.brain() & bar.body()
    BOOL any:
    SEQ                   -- SEQ:
      kill ? any
      kill.brain ! any    -- order is
      kill.body ! any     -- important
    bar.brain ( req, spinal.chord, mode.change, kill.brain )
    bar.body  ( spinal.chord, rsp, d.chan, d.sem, kill.body )

在下一波中,CSP 和 Occam 相互影响(例如在 奥卡姆编程定律(约 90 页,扫描副本) ),涉及与 分布式实时处理和许多其他感兴趣的高级领域.

In next waves, CSP and Occam have influenced each other ( for example in The Laws of Occam Programming ( ~90 pages, scanned copy ) ), touching as advanced topics as distributed real-time processing and many other advanced fields of interest.


10-21 13:24