

我有一个网页(比如origin = A),里面嵌入了一个iframe,从不同的域加载(比如说B)。 B从不同的域加载脚本脚本(各种CDN)。我的网页A设置了非常严格的CSP,如:




有没有一种方法可以调试由子iframe继承的CSP ?从Chrome的调试器或FF的调试器 - 通过选择iframe,然后CSP的iframe会显示?



但是还有其他方法来填充 iframe ,并且CSP在这些情况下工作不同(见下文)。

$ b

是的,请参阅,其中表示: :通过 iframe , object 或嵌入的任何资源。

除非e mbedded资源是全局唯一标识符(或 srcdoc iframe),嵌入式资源由随资源一起提供的策略控制。如果嵌入式资源是全局唯一标识符或 srcdoc iframe,它将继承创建它的上下文策略。

全局唯一标识符是 data: URL或其他类型的URL,它不是分层URL,例如 https / http URL。

所以常见的情况问题中来自不同域的负载)是嵌入式资源受资源交付策略控制的情况 - 也就是说,它不会继承。

<相反,如果 iframe 是 srcdoc iframe,则情况会非常不同,并且:

B doesn't set any CSP headers.

Now I would expect the child frame, B, to inherit the CSP rules of A and trying to access various CDNs should be a violation of its CSP because of script-src 'self' but to my surprise, it works smoothly.

So my question is:How CSP is inherited by child iframes ? Does it depend on its parent frame's CSP if CSP for iframe is not mentioned ? If yes, how ? Is there any documentation somewhere about it, I couldn't find anything specific that would explain the situation above.

Is there a way I can debug the CSP inherited by child iframes ? From Chrome's debugger or FF's debugger - by selecting the iframe and then CSP for the iframe would show up ?


It’s not. That is, not in the common case (the "loads from a different domain" case in the question).

But there are other ways to populate iframe, and CSP works different in those cases (see below).

No, it doesn’t for the common case (the "loads from a different domain" case given in the question).

Yes, see the Policy applicability section of the CSP2 specification, which says this:

A "globally unique identifier" is something with a data: URL or other kind of URL that’s not a hierarchical URL such an https/http URL.

So the common case (described as "loads from a different domain" in the question) is a "embedded resource is controlled by the policy delivered with the resource" case—that is, it doesn’t inherit.

In contrast, if the iframe is a srcdoc iframe, the case is very different and the spec says:

That is a srcdoc iframe does inherit its parent’s CSP policy.


09-21 21:21