我需要一个正则表达式来验证字符串是否为IP地址。 (它是一个正确的 IP地址并不重要;这只是一个快速的错误检查,以确保它是那种格式。)这是我到目前为止。它会工作吗?
^ \d {1,3} \.\d {1,3} \。\d {1,3} \.\d {1,3} $
I need a regular expression to verify that a string is an IP address. (It's not critical that it be a correct IP address; this is just a quick error check to make sure it's in that format.) This is what I have so far. Will it work all right?
The problem I can see is that it doesn't verify that each number is less than 256 (eg, you could enter 999.999.999.999), but I don't know how to combine regular expressions with mathematical ones, and I consider that more of a "room for improvement" situation than a critical problem.