

我有一个Web应用程序asp.net,可以部署到Windows Azure。我尝试先在本地运行它。但是在调试时,我从VS2010中捕获了这个错误:

I have a web application asp.net to deploy to Windows Azure. I try to run it on local first. But when debugging, I catch this error from VS2010:

"There was an error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker process
for URL '' for role instance
Unable to start debugging on the web server ......."

我很难找到这个问题的解决方案,但似乎没什么为我工作。我是Windows Azure的新手,这对我来说真的很麻烦。

I've search so hard to find the solution for this problem but there's nothing seems work for me. I'm a newbie in Windows Azure, it's really a big trouble with me.


我遇到了与Windows 8类似的问题,在尝试将应用程序启动到计算模拟器中时,使用Visual Studio 2012 RTM和Azure SDK 1.71对云应用程序进行调试。这是一个非常简单的应用程序,但我使用Azure诊断。最后这些是我改变了两件对我有用的东西,都打开了Windows 8功能(所以转到Win8并打开'打开/关闭Windows功能'。

I had similar problem with Windows 8, debuging a cloud application with Visual Studio 2012 RTM and Azure SDK 1.71, when trying to launch the application into the compute emulator. It was a very simple app, but I used Azure diagnostics. At the end these are two things I have changed that have work for me, both turning on Windows 8 features (so go to Win8 and open 'Turn Windows Features On/Off'.


  1. 互联网信息服务可托管网络核心

Internet信息服务>万维网服务>应用程序开发功能> ASP.NET 4.5


互联网信息服务> Web管理工具> IIS管理脚本和工具

这对我有用,这很有意义,因为我正在使用Visual Studio 2012并尝试使用Azure中的诊断来获取一些跟踪信息。

That worked for me, it makes sense, as I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and trying to get some trace information using diagnostics in Azure.


I hope this will work for you or give some tip about the problem. In the case of being useful information, remember to vote as response or as value tip.




09-05 17:53