I am making a game with LibGDX (Java).
I need the camera to follow a fast moving character. The easiest way to do it is to just write this:
this.getCamera().position.set(obj.x, obj.y, 0);
But, is there any algorithm to make this more smooth? Like when camera is not that strict, and is always a bit late: character goes quick right, camera follows with slight delay, or if you suddenly appeared somewhere far, camera doesn't teleport instantly but travels at a top speed to you when it comes closer it slows down a bit and finds you again.
是否有任何libgdx libs可以做到这一点或任何人有这种经历?
Is there any libgdx libs that do that or anyone had this experience?
Try something simple like lerping a tenth of the distance. It works surprisingly well.
float lerp = 0.1f;
Vector3 position = this.getCamera().position;
position.x += (Obj.x - position.x) * lerp * deltaTime;
position.y += (Obj.y - position.y) * lerp * deltaTime;