I have a web based application that uses a self signed certificate. When you log into the application, you have to accept the certificate. This is a pain, but..we are OK with that for the time being, and everything is fine.When you click on the help link, it uses java script window.open to open the help in a new window. This all works fine. Except in IE8.
In IE8, when I use window.open to open the help file, it again asks the user to accept the SSL certificate. It is like it is in a new security zone or something. This is not an issue in older IE, or in Firefox.
Does anyone know a way around this? Is there a way of opening a new window but keeping it in the same security session?
I don't want a solution that involves IE configuration, I don't want to have to add IE configuration steps to our install guide!And at this stage it is not practical to put in a proper certificate, as much as I would love to.
更新:应用程序的网址是只是localhost:端口。帮助文件只是help.html。我们在关于框中遇到了同样的问题。 About.html。
Update: The url of the application is just localhost:port. The help file is just help.html. We have the same problem with the About box. About.html.
This is expected behavior for IE8. Unless you add the site certificate to a list of permanent exceptions, you should get prompted for each new window the site opens.
- 永久接受自签名证书
- 签发真实证书
- 将额外的窗口集成到已经打开的窗口中,而不是产生更多的浏览器垃圾
- Live,每个窗口必须接受一次证书
- Accept your self-signed certificate permanently
- Issue a real certificate
- Integrate the extra windows into the already-open one instead of spawning more browser junk
- Live with having to accept the certificate once per window
这篇关于IE8 window.open SSL证书问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!