


I'm using Smarty template system. One of its features is posibility to output script that generates debug information for every page. Here you can see an example of generated code:

<script type="text/javascript">

setTimeout(function() {  //Attempt to fix the issue with timeout
    var _smarty_console = window.open("about:blank","md5hash","width=680,height=600,resizable,scrollbars=yes");
    console.log(_smarty_console);  //Trying to log it
    if(_smarty_console!=null) {
      _smarty_console.document.write("<!DOCTY... lots of HTML ...<\/html>\n");
}, 5000);

问题是, window.open 函数始终返回 null 。我试图用 setTimeout 延迟它,但没有改变。当我复制代码并在Firebug控制台中运行它时,它可以正常工作。页面上没有其他脚本。该页面使用严格的XHTML。该脚本就在< / body> 之前。

The problem is, that the window.open functions always returns null. I tried to delay it with setTimeout but nothing changed. When I copy the code and run it in Firebug console, it works properly. There are no other scripts on page. The page uses strict XHTML. The script is right before </body>.


它被浏览器阻止。 window.open 只有在用户操作调用时才会被阻止,例如在本机浏览器事件发出的单击事件中。此外,javaScript发出的事件也被阻止,就像延迟的setTimeout回调一样。

It is blocked by the browser. window.open is only not being blocked, when it is invoked by user action, for example in a click event, emitted by a native browser event. Also javaScript emitted events are being blocked, just like delayed setTimeout callbacks.

<a id="link" href="http://stackoverflow.com">StackOverflow</a>

<script type="text/javascript">

// Example (with jQuery for simplicity)

$("a#link").click(function (e) {

  var url = this.href;

  // this will not be blocked
  var w0 = window.open(url);
  console.log("w0: " + !!w0); // w0: true

  window.setTimeout(function () {
    // this will be blocked
    var w1 = window.open(url);
    console.log("w1: " + !!w1); // w1: false
  }, 5000);


观看。我还尝试使用 keypress 事件,但没有运气。

Watch the Fiddle. I also tried it with the keypress event, but no luck.

window.open 返回对新(或现有命名)窗口的有效引用,或 null ,当它无法创建新窗口时。

window.open returns a valid reference to the new (or an existing named) window, or null when it failed to create a new window.


09-05 12:54