


I am new to R and I am trying to build a frequency/severity simulation. Everything is working fine except that it takes about 10min to do 10000 simulations for each of 700 locations.For the simulation of one individual location, I got a list of vectors with varying lengths and I would like to efficiently rbind these vectors, filling in NAs for all non-existing values. I would like R to return a data.frame to me.So far, I used rbind.fill.matrix after converting the vectors in the list to matrices of 1 row. However, I am hoping that I could use something like bind_rows (dplyr) or rbindfill but I don't know how to transform the vectors into something that I could use for these functions. Thank you in advance for your help!



numsim = 10

rN.D <- function(numsim) rpois(numsim, 4)
rX.D <- function(numsim) rnorm(numsim, mean = 5, sd = 4)

freqs <- rN.D(numsim)
obs <- lapply(freqs, function(x) rX.D(x))
#obs is the list that I would like to rbind (efficiently!) and have a data.frame returned to me


如果您的实际应用程序使用 rnorm 或类似的代码,则可以对其进行一次调用:

If your real application uses rnorm or similar, you can make a single call to it:

numsim = 3e5
freqs = rN.D(numsim)
maxlen = max(freqs)
m = matrix(, maxlen, numsim)
m[row(m) <= freqs[col(m)]] <- rX.D(sum(freqs))

res = as.data.table(t(m))


I am filling the data the "wrong way" (with each simulation on a column instead of a row) and then transposing since R fills matrix values using "column-major" order.

如果您需要使用 lapply ,这是最后一步的基准:

If you need to use lapply, here's a benchmark for the final step:


library(dplyr); library(tidyr); library(purrr)

numsim = 3e5

rN.D <- function(numsim) rpois(numsim, 4)
rX.D <- function(numsim) rnorm(numsim, mean = 5, sd = 4)

freqs <- rN.D(numsim)
obs <- lapply(freqs, function(x) rX.D(x))

tidyres = obs %>%
   set_names(seq_along(.)) %>%
   stack %>%
   group_by(ind) %>%
   mutate(Col = paste0("Col", row_number())) %>%
   spread(Col, values)
#    user  system elapsed
#   16.56    0.31   16.88

    out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(obs, `length<-`, max(lengths(obs))))
    bres = as.data.frame(out)
#    user  system elapsed
#    0.50    0.05    0.55

    dtres <- setDT(transpose(obs))
#    user  system elapsed
#    0.03    0.01    0.05


The last approach is fastest compared to the other two (both from @akrun's answer).

评论.我建议仅使用data.table或tidyverse.混合和匹配将很快变得混乱.当我设置此示例时,我看到 purrr 具有它自己的 transpose 函数,因此,如果以不同的顺序加载软件包,则这样的代码可以给出不同的结果而不会警告.

Comment. I would recommend using only data.table or tidyverse. Mixing and matching will get messy very quickly. When I was setting this example up, I saw that purrr has it's own transpose function, so if you loaded packages in a different order, code like this can give different results without warning.


09-05 09:44