

根据 Will Ness 的回答,我一直在使用 JavaScript 改编版来适应延迟筛分算法:

Based on the answer by Will Ness, I've been using a JavaScript adaptation for the postponed sieve algorithm:

function * primes() {
    yield 2;
    yield 3;
    yield 5;
    yield 7;
    const sieve = new Map();
    const ps = primes();
    ps.next() && ps.next();
    for (let p = 3, i = 9; true; i += 2) {
        let s = sieve.get(i);
        if (s !== undefined) {
        } else if (i < p * p) {
            yield i;
        } else {
            s = 2 * p;
            p = ps.next().value;
        let k = i + s;
        while (sieve.has(k)) k += s;
        sieve.set(k, s);

但是现在我需要向它添加 start 点,我正在努力解决它,因为这里的逻辑并不简单.

But now that I need to add start point to it, I am struggling to wrap my head around it, for the logic here isn't straightforward.

start 是素数时,我需要它作为第一个值.当 start 不是素数时,我需要序列从 start 之后的第一个素数开始.

When start is a prime, I need it to be the first value. And when start is not a prime, I need the sequence to start with the first prime after start.

Will Ness 在其中一条评论中建议:

Will Ness suggested in one of the comments:

您必须为起点提供有效的筛选字典.很容易得到所需的质数 - 只需将这个算法运行到 sqrt(start),然后你需要找到每个核心质数的倍数就在开始的上方(或者是正下方?),同时注意重复.


Wielding this into reality however is not that simple (or at least for me) :|

任何人都可以帮助更新这种 *primes(start) 实现的算法(最好是在上面的 JavaScript 中)?

Can anybody help with updating this algorithm for such *primes(start) implementation (preferably in JavaScript as above)?

function * primes(start) {

  // how to amend it to support 'start' logic???



根据 Will Ness 的出色回答,我决定通过公共图书馆分享我使用的最终代码 - 素数生成器.所有主要算法都可以在 src/sieve.ts 中找到.


Following the excellent answer by Will Ness, I decided to share the final code I used, through a public library - primes-generator. All main algorithms can be found in src/sieve.ts.


(更新:在此答案底部添加了有效的 JS 代码).


This is the sieve of Eratosthenes:

primes = {2,3,...} \ U {p, p+p, ...} = {2} +oddPrimes ,oddPrimes = {3,5,...} \ U {p, p+2*p, ...}

primes = {2,3,...} \ U {p, p+p, ...} = {2} + oddPrimes , oddPrimes = {3,5,...} \ U {p, p+2*p, ...}

其中 \ 是集合差(读作减"),而 U 是集合的大并集.

where \ is set difference (read "minus"), and U big union of sets.


 \             |
   { 4,  6,  8,| 10,   12,   14,   16,   18, ...}
    \          .
             { 9,      12,      15,      18,    21,  ...}
                                               { 25, 30, 35, ...}
          \                                     { 49, 56, 63, ...}
            \                                     { 121, 132, 143, ...}
              \  ........


{3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31, ...}
 \                    |
     { 9,      15,    | 21,      27,      33, ...}
   \                          .
                            { 25,            35, ...}
     \                                        { 49, 63, ...}
      \                                         { 121, 143, ...}
       \  ........

您在问题中引用的代码实现了这种方法.在任何时候,当考虑某个候选对象时,sieve 都以某种状态存在,循环中的其余变量也是如此.所以我们只需要直接重新创建这个状态即可.

The code you refer to in the question implements this approach. At any point in time, when considering a certain candidate, sieve exists in a certain state, as are the rest of the variables in the loop. So we just need to re-create this state directly.

假设我们正在考虑将 i = 19 作为当前候选对象.那时我们有 sieve = { (21, 6) }p = 5.

Let's say we're considering i = 19 as the current candidate. At that point we have sieve = { (21, 6) } and p = 5.

这意味着对于候选 isieve 包含所有素数 q 的倍数,使得 q^2 ,pqs 之后的下一个质数.

This means for a candidate i, sieve contains multiples of all the primes q such that q^2 < i, and p is the next prime after the qs.


Each of the multiples is the smallest one not smaller than i, and there are no duplicates in the sieve. Then it's in a consistent state and can be continued from that point on.


primes() = ..... // as before

primesFrom(start) =
  { primes.next()
  ; ps = takeWhile( (p => p^2 < start) , primes() )
  ; p = primes.next_value()
  ; mults = map( (p => let
                       { s = 2*p
                       ; n = (start-p)/s  // integer division NB!
                       ; r = (start-p)%s
                       ; m = p + (r>0 ? n+1 : n)*s
                       ( m, s) )
                , ps)
  for each (m,s) in mults
    if m in sieve
       increment m by s until m is not in sieve
    add (m,s) to sieve


and then do the same loop as before.


function *primesFrom(start) {
    if (start <= 2) { yield 2; }
    if (start <= 3) { yield 3; }
    if (start <= 5) { yield 5; }
    if (start <= 7) { yield 7; }
    const sieve = new Map();
    const ps = primesFrom(2);
    ps.next();                 // skip the 2
    let p = ps.next().value;   // p==3
    let psqr = p * p;          // p^2, 9
    let c = psqr;              // first candidate, 9
    let s = 6;                 // step value
    let m = 9;                 // multiple

    while( psqr < start )      // must adjust initial state
         s = 2 * p;
         m = p + s * Math. ceil( (start-p)/s );  // multiple of p
         while (sieve.has(m)) m += s;
         sieve.set(m, s);
         p = ps.next().value;
         psqr = p * p;
    if ( start > c) { c = start; }
    if ( c%2 === 0 ) { c += 1; }

    for ( ;  true ;  c += 2 )     // main loop
        s = sieve.get(c);
        if (s !== undefined) {
            sieve.delete(c);      // c composite
        } else if (c < psqr) {
            yield c;              // c prime
        } else {                  // c == p^2
            s = 2 * p;
            p = ps.next().value;
            psqr = p * p;
        m = c + s;
        while (sieve.has(m)) m += s;
        sieve.set(m, s);

正确产生第一个10 很快就超过了 500,000,000on ideone:>

Correctly produces the first 10 primes above 500,000,000 in no time at all on ideone:

Success #stdin #stdout 0.03s 17484KB

显然,它具有 5(五)次调用的惊人递归深度.

Apparently it does so with the whopping recursion depth of 5 (five) invocations.

重复平方的威力!(或者它的反面,log log 操作:)
log( log( 500000000 )) == 4.85

The power of the repeated squaring! (or its inverse, the log log operation:)
log( log( 500000000 )) == 4.85


09-05 08:33