

我正在写一个小程序(比起其他任何东西,vs 2010的试验更多)

I am in the midst of writing a small program (more to experiment with vs 2010 than anything else)


Despite being an experiment it has some practical use for our local athletics club.

我的想法是访问数据库(当前在线)以下载当前成员并本地存储在便携式计算机上(这是MS sql表,用于为俱乐部的网站提供动力).

My thought was to access the DB (currently online) to download the current members and store locally on a laptop (this is a MS sql table, used to power the club's website).


Take the laptop to the event (yes there ARE places that don't have internet coverage), add members to that days race (also a row from a sql table (though no changes would be made to this), record results (new records in 3rd table)


Once home, showered and within internet access again, upload/edit the tables as per the race results/member changes etc.


So I was thinking I'd do something like write xml files locally with the data, including a field to indicate changes etc?


If anyone can point me in a direction I would appreciate it...hell if anyone could tell me if this has a name, I'd appreciate it.


基本上,除了远程数据存储之外,您需要的还有台式机上的本地数据存储.然后,您可以在脱机/联机时手动编写代码以同步数据存储,也可以使用 Microsoft Sync框架为您处理.

Essentially what you need is, in addition to your remote data store, a local data store on your desktop. You could then write your code by hand to sync the data stores when you go offline / online, or you could use the Microsoft Sync framework to handle it for you.


I've personally used the Sync framework on a number of projects and once you get used to the conventions, it's pretty easy to use.


08-30 06:40