我在一个大型应用程序上工作,并经常使用WinDbg来根据客户的DMP文件诊断问题。我为WinDbg写了几个小的扩展,已经证明非常有用的从DMP文件中提取信息位。在我的扩展代码中,我发现自己解除引用c ++类对象以相同的方式,一遍又一遍,手。例如:
I work on a large application, and frequently use WinDbg to diagnose issues based on a DMP file from a customer. I have written a few small extensions for WinDbg that have proved very useful for pulling bits of information out of DMP files. In my extension code I find myself dereferencing c++ class objects in the same way, over and over, by hand. For example:
Address = GetExpression("somemodule!somesymbol");
ReadMemory(Address, &addressOfPtr, sizeof(addressOfPtr), &cb);
// get the actual address
ReadMemory(addressOfObj, &addressOfObj, sizeof(addressOfObj), &cb);
ULONG offset;
ULONG addressOfField;
GetFieldOffset("somemodule!somesymbolclass", "somefield", &offset);
ReadMemory(addressOfObj+offset, &addressOfField, sizeof(addressOfField), &cb);
That works well, but as I have written more extensions, with greater functionality (and accessing more complicated objects in our applications DMP files), I have longed for a better solution. I have access to the source of our own application of course, so I figure there should be a way to copy an object out of a DMP file and use that memory to create an actual object in the debugger extension that I can call functions on (by linking in dlls from our application). This would save me the trouble of pulling things out of the DMP by hand.
这是可能吗?我试过很明显的事情,如在扩展中创建一个新的对象,然后用一个大的ReadMemory直接从DMP文件覆盖它。这似乎把数据放在正确的领域,但是当我试图调用一个函数的时候吓坏了。我想我缺少的东西...也许c ++拉一些vtable funky-ness,我不知道?我的代码看起来类似于:
Is this even possible? I tried obvious things like creating a new object in the extension, then overwriting it with a big ReadMemory directly from the DMP file. This seemed to put the data in the right fields, but freaked out when I tried to call a function. I figure I am missing something...maybe c++ pulls some vtable funky-ness that I don't know about? My code looks similar to this:
SomeClass* thisClass = SomeClass::New();
ReadMemory(addressOfObj, &(*thisClass), sizeof(*thisClass), &cb);
FOLLOWUP:看起来像POSSIBLY从EngExtCpp ExtRemoteTyped是我想要的?有没有人成功地使用这个?我需要google上传一些示例代码,但没有太多运气。
FOLLOWUP: It looks like POSSIBLY ExtRemoteTyped from EngExtCpp is what I want? Has anyone successfully used this? I need to google up some example code, but am not having much luck.
FOLLOWUP 2:我正在寻找两种不同的调查路线。
1)我正在寻找ExtRemoteTyped,但它似乎这个类只是一个帮助器的ReadMemory / GetFieldOffset调用。是的,它将有助于加速ALOT,但是没有真正帮助,当它涉及到从DMP文件中重新创建一个对象。虽然文档很薄,所以我可能会误解一些东西。
2)我也在试图使用ReadMemory覆盖在我的扩展中创建的对象与DMP文件的数据。然而,不是像上面使用sizeof(* thisClass),我想我只选择数据元素,并保持vtables不变。
FOLLOWUP 2: I am pursuing two different routes of investigation on this.
1) I am looking into ExtRemoteTyped, but it appears this class is really just a helper for the ReadMemory/GetFieldOffset calls. Yes, it would help speed things up ALOT, but doesn't really help when it comes to recreating an object from a DMP file. Although documentation is slim, so I might be misunderstanding something.2) I am also looking into trying to use ReadMemory to overwrite an object created in my extension with data from the DMP file. However, rather than using sizeof(*thisClass) as above, I was thinking I would only pick out the data elements, and leave the vtables untouched.
Interesting idea, but this would have a hope of working only on the simplest of objects. For example, if the object contains pointers or references to other objects (or vtables), those won't copy very well over to a new address space.
可能能够获得一个代理对象,当您调用代理方法时,他们对 ReadMemory()
However, you might be able to get a 'proxy' object to work that when you call the proxy methods they make the appropriate calls to ReadMemory()
to get the information. This sounds to be a fair bit of work, and I'd think it would have to be more or less a custom set of code for each class you wanted to proxy. There's probably a better way to go about this, but that's what came to me off the top of my head.