


Is it possible to check if a user already likes my facebook fanpage from my website with Javascript or PHP?


I need a solution, so the user doesn't need to authenticate / allow some persmissions first


最简单的方法是调用获取 / me / likes 连接(注意你必须要求 user_likes 权限。然后浏览每个并将 id 与您的页面ID进行比较。

The simplest way would be to call the Graph API to get the /me/likes connections (note you have to require the user_likes permission). Then go through each and compare id with the ID of your page.

假设您正在使用官方Facebook ,并拥有 Facebook的实例对象设置(参见上述页面中的 Usage 部分),以下代码可用于查明用户是否是 Daft Punk 的粉丝:

Assuming you're using the official Facebook PHP SDK, and have an instance of the Facebook object set up (see Usage section in the aforementioned page), the following code can be used to find out if the user is fan of Daft Punk:

$our_page_id = '22476490672'; // This should be string
$user_is_fan = false;
$likes = $facebook->api( '/me/likes?fields=id' );
foreach( $likes['data'] as $page ) {
    if( $page['id'] === $our_page_id ) {
        $user_is_fan = true;

现在,您可以继续使用 $ user_is_fan 变量。

Now, you can further work with the $user_is_fan variable.


In JavaScript, the code would be very similar. Using the official JavaScript SDK's method FB.api (again, assuming you have taken of the authentication):

FB.api('/me/likes?fields=id', function(response) {
    var our_page_id = '22476490672';
    var user_is_fan = false;
    var likes_count = response.data.length;
    for(i = 0; i < likes_count; i++) {
        if(response.data[i].id === our_page_id) {
            user_is_fan = true;

注意,这里我们使用的是异步请求和回调,所以使用<$ c的代码$ c> user_is_fan 变量必须在函数内。

Note that here we're using an asynchronous request and callback, so the code using the user_is_fan variable must be inside the function.


08-26 21:12