我有一个Delphi XE项目,我试图在使用MSBuild构建该程序之前更改该程序的版本号.版本号信息位于DPROJ文件中,但是如果我更改这些值,则版本号不会更改.我认为这样做的原因是,当您在IDE中更改版本号时,Delphi会将更改保存到DPROJ和RES文件中.
I have a Delphi XE project and I'm trying to change the version number of the program before building it with MSBuild. Version number information is located in the DPROJ file but if I change these values the version number does not change. I think the reason for this is that when you change version number in the IDE, Delphi saves the changes to both DPROJ and RES files.
Is there a way to compile the RES file from the command line with the changes in DPROJ file? I found this question which suggested saving the version number in an INC file and including that to the project but this feels a bit more complex solution compared to just making changes in DPROJ.
I ended up solving my problem with this answer. First I unchecked "Include version information in project" in Project Options and added VersionInformation.rc with dummy data. When my build batch file is executed, it generates the correct RC file and because that RC file is added in to the Delphi project, MSBuild uses the contained information for built executable.
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