我根据多个下拉菜单选择隐藏和显示图片.我正在尝试让 2 个和可能更多的下拉菜单协同工作以优化搜索.
I have pictures hiding and showing based on a multiple dropdown menu selection. I am trying to have the 2 and possible more dropdown menus working together to refine a search.
If I select an item in the first dropdown, I would like to apply the second filter and so on with any additional dropdown.
我需要一些有关 jquery 的帮助.我目前的问题是第二个过滤器永远不会启动.它会被覆盖并重置过滤器.如果可能,我想添加第三个过滤器以进一步缩小搜索范围,以准确找到我正在寻找的内容.这是一些示例代码..
I need some help with the jquery. My current problem is the 2nd filter never kicks in. It gets overwritten and resets the filter. If possible, I would like to add a 3rd filter to narrow the search even more to find exactly what I am looking for. Here is some sample code..
var current = $(this).attr('value');
if(current == 'all'){
else {
$('#FilterContainer').children('div:not(.' + current + ')').hide();
$('#FilterContainer').children('div.' + current).show();
return false;
<p>Filter: </p>
<select class="filterby">
<option value="all"><h5>Show All</h5></option>
<option value="1"><h5>One</h5></option>
<option value="2"><h5>Two</h5></option>
<option value="3"><h5>Three</h5></option>
<p>Location: </p>
<select class="filterby">
<option value="all"><h5>All Locations</h5></option>
<option value="nj"><h5>NJ</h5></option>
<option value="ny"><h5>NY</h5></option>
<option value="pa"><h5>PA</h5></option>
<div id="FilterContainer">
<div class="all 1 nj">Test One NJ</div>
<div class="all 1 ny">Test One NY</div>
<div class="all 1 pa">Test One PA</div>
<div class="all 2 nj">Test Two NJ</div>
<div class="all 2 ny">Test Two NY</div>
<div class="all 2 pa">Test Two PA</div>
<div class="all 3 nj">Test Three NJ</div>
<div class="all 3 ny">Test Three NY</div>
<div class="all 3 pa">Test Three PA</div>
<div class="all 1 nj">Test One NJ</div>
<div class="all 1 pa">Test One PA</div>
<div class="all 1 pa">Test One PA</div>
<div class="all 2 nj">Test Two NJ</div>
<div class="all 2 ny">Test Two NY</div>
<div class="all 2 ny">Test Two NY</div>
试试这个 -
var filters = $.map($("select.filterby").toArray(), function(e){
return $(e).val();
$("div#FilterContainer").find("div." + filters).show();
这篇关于jquery 多个下拉过滤器菜单的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!