我应该为项目使用ember.js.我正在将json转换为HTML视图. json看起来像这样:
I'm supposed to use ember.js for a project. I'm converting a json into a HTML view. The json looks something like this:
"title": "Some H1 title",
"children": [
{"title": "Some H2 title",
"children": .....
不管它是动态的,还是带有把手的,都没关系.So the result should look like
Some H1 Title
Some H2 Title
Doesn't really matter if it's dynamic with handlebars or static.推荐的emberjs方法是什么?将整个json加载到数据模型中,然后从那里去?还是只是将物体交给车把? (顺便说一句,需要一些基本的if逻辑,所以最后一个选择可能不是最好的(例如,需要更多代码).)
What is the recommended emberjs way of doing this? Load the whole json into a data model and go from there? Or just give the object to handlebars? (there is the need for some basic if else logic by the way so the last option might not be the best (e.g. needs more code)).
If the data in json has some meaning in the data model of your application, then you should place it in a structure of ember objects and assign them to properties of the controller. If you only need the json data to be displayed and has no meaning in your application's data model, then you can simply assign it directly as a property to the view or controller.
In all cases you will need a handlebars template that will display the data stored in those properties.
For example if you have json data that is composed of objects with a string as title
and array of the same objects as children
and you want to display all titles of all children regardless of depth you could do something like,
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
{{partial "childrenPartial"}}
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="_childrenPartial">
{{#each child in children}}
{{#with child.children}}
{{partial "childrenPartial"}}
App = Ember.Application.create();
App.Router.map(function() {
// put your routes here
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return {"title": "Some H1 title","children": [{"title": "Some H2 title","children": []}]};
Please note that using a partial as shown is only one of many other approaches. In this approach the json data has been assigned as model to the specific route and the corresponding view with the help of a partial display the required data.