本文介绍了Angular 6 - 无法检索静态数据的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


问题:在路由中定义的静态数据永远不会通过订阅 ActivatedRoute 上的数据对象来检索.其他一切似乎都正常,数据对象不为空,但我无法从中获取数据.当我尝试调试数据对象中的数据时,它输出未定义",当我尝试将它绑定到 UI 时,没有任何显示,但是当我查看 Chrome 中的 ActivatedRoute 消息时,它有数据.经过多次尝试,我很确定我的语法应该基于许多示例工作,所以 Angular 6 中可能有什么变化,或者 Angular 有什么问题?


 const appRoutes: Routes = [{路径:文章",重定向到:/文章/合作伙伴",路径匹配:完整"},{路径:文章",孩子们: [{路径: "bawo",组件:BawoArticleComponent,数据:{标题:'BaWo'}},{路径:金手",组件:GoldenHandsArticleComponent,数据:{标题:'黄金之手'}},{路径:投资者",组件:InvestorsArticleComponent,数据:{标题:'投资者'}},{路径:合作伙伴",组件:PartnersArticleComponent,数据:{标题:'合作伙伴'}}]},{小路: "**",重定向到:/文章/合作伙伴"}];


导出类 ArticleSelectorComponent 实现 OnInit {箭头推子:字符串;不透明度:字符串;淡入淡出计时器:可观察的;构造函数(私有路由器:路由器,私有激活路由:ActivatedRoute){}ngOnInit() {this.router.events.subscribe((e: RouterEvent) => {this.fadeTimer = timer(0, 150);让订阅 = this.fadeTimer.subscribe(currentValue => {让 calc = currentValue &3;如果(计算 == 0){this.arrowFader = '>';this.opacity = '0.5';}否则如果(计算 == 1){this.arrowFader = '>>';this.opacity = '0.65';}别的 {this.arrowFader = '>>>';this.opacity = '0.8';}});this.fadeTimer.subscribe(currentValue => {如果(当前值 >= 14){订阅.取消订阅();this.opacity = '1.0';}});});//这行不通!!!!this.activatedRoute.data.subscribe((data: Data) => {console.log(data['title']);});}//不相关,此代码在 html 按钮上使用参数运行navToArticle(num: number) {让 navStr = '';开关(数量){情况1: {navStr = '/文章/bawo';休息;}情况 2:{navStr = '/article/goldenhands';休息;}情况 3:{navStr = '/文章/合作伙伴';休息;}情况 4:{navStr = '/文章/投资者';休息;}}this.router.navigateByUrl(navStr);}}

AppComponent 的 HTML 代码(带有组件指令):

<div class="top"><div class="anim-in-left"><app-domains></app-domains>

<div class="anim-in-down top-title"><h1 class="top-title-text">{{ topTitle }}</h1>

<div class="anim-in-right"><app-presence></app-presence>

<div class="anim-in-up middle"><app-article-selector></app-article-selector>


尝试下面的代码片段,因为如果您立即订阅 activateRoute 它只会订阅当前组件在路由器配置中注册的路由器数据更改,而我刚刚添加了 NavigationEnd过滤器,因此它不会被此要求不需要的所有其他事件触发.

...ngOnInit() {...this.title$ = this.router.events.pipe(filter((event) => event instanceof NavigationEnd),地图(_ => this.activatedRoute),地图((路线)=> {而 (route.firstChild) {路线 = 路线.firstChild;}回程路线;}),mergeMap((route) => route.data),地图((数据)=> 数据.标题));this.title$.subscribe(title => console.log(title));...}...

Problem: static data defined at route is never retrieved with subscription to data object at ActivatedRoute. Everything else seems to work fine, the data object is not null, but I can't get data from it. When I try to debug the data from the data object it outputs "undefined", when I try to bind it to UI nothing shows up, but when I look at ActivatedRoute messages in Chrome it has the data. After many tries I'm pretty sure my syntax should work based on many examples, so has something changed in Angular 6 perhaps, or something wrong with Angular?

Route code:

    const appRoutes: Routes = [
    path: "article",
    redirectTo: "/article/partners",
    pathMatch: "full"
    path: "article",
    children: [
        path: "bawo",
        component: BawoArticleComponent,
        data: { title: 'BaWo' }
        path: "goldenhands",
        component: GoldenHandsArticleComponent,
        data: { title: 'Golden Hands' }
        path: "investors",
        component: InvestorsArticleComponent,
        data: { title: 'Investors' }
        path: "partners",
        component: PartnersArticleComponent,
        data: { title: 'Partners' }
    path: "**",
    redirectTo: "/article/partners"

Retrieval component code (I've commented where the relevant code is):

export class ArticleSelectorComponent implements OnInit {
  arrowFader: string;

  opacity: string;

  fadeTimer: Observable<number>;

  constructor(private router: Router, private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.router.events.subscribe((e: RouterEvent) => {
      this.fadeTimer = timer(0, 150);
      let subscription = this.fadeTimer.subscribe(currentValue => {

        let calc = currentValue & 3;

        if (calc == 0) {
          this.arrowFader = '>';
          this.opacity = '0.5';
        else if (calc == 1) {
          this.arrowFader = '>>';
          this.opacity = '0.65';
        else {
          this.arrowFader = '>>>';
          this.opacity = '0.8';

      this.fadeTimer.subscribe(currentValue => {
        if(currentValue >= 14) {
          this.opacity = '1.0';

    this.activatedRoute.data.subscribe((data: Data) => {

// not relevant, this code is ran with parameter at html buttons
  navToArticle(num: number) {
    let navStr = '';
      case 1: {
        navStr = '/article/bawo';
      case 2: {
        navStr = '/article/goldenhands';
      case 3: {
        navStr = '/article/partners';
      case 4: {
        navStr = '/article/investors';


HTML code for AppComponent (with component directives):

<div class="site">

    <div class="top">
        <div class="anim-in-left">

        <div class="anim-in-down top-title">
            <h1 class="top-title-text">{{ topTitle }}</h1>

        <div class="anim-in-right">

    <div class="anim-in-up middle">

Try Below Snippet, Because if you subscribe to activatedRoute immediately it subscribes only to the router data changes where the current component is registered in router configuration and I just added NavigationEnd filter so it wont be triggered for all other events which is not needed for this requirement.

ngOnInit() {
  this.title$ = this.router.events.pipe(
    filter((event) => event instanceof NavigationEnd),
    map(_ => this.activatedRoute),
    map((route) => {
      while (route.firstChild) {
        route = route.firstChild;

      return route;
    mergeMap((route) => route.data),
    map((data) => data.title)
  this.title$.subscribe(title => console.log(title));

这篇关于Angular 6 - 无法检索静态数据的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-25 23:27