我正在将 Angular 合并到现有 Rails 应用的单个页面中.
I'm in the process of incorporating Angular into a single page of an existing rails app.
Everything is working perfectly with the routing within the page using the following
app.config(function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
.when('/services/:id', {
templateUrl: "/javascripts/angular/templates/service_ui/service.html",
controller: "ServiceCtrl"
但是,我想为与 Angular 无关的链接维护正常功能.例如,我们在标头中有许多链接到其他地方的链接,这些链接现在被 angular 路由器捕获.
However, I'd like to maintain normal functionality for links that are not related to Angular. For example, we have a number of links in the header that link elsewhere that are now being caught by the angular router.
I've found some potential solutions at: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/angular/basidvjscRk
但是基本路径方法似乎不起作用..并且 target="_self" 方法相当突兀.有没有更好的方法让 angular 忽略未在 config 函数中指定的路由?
But the base path method doesnt seem to work..and the target="_self" method is rather obtrusive. Is there a better way to let angular ignore routes that aren't specified in the config function?
我知道有一个 .otherwise() 方法,但这似乎又是一个黑客.我错过了什么吗?
I know there is an .otherwise() method but again this seems like a hack. Am I missing something?
我们有一个相对传统"的 Web 应用程序,因为大多数链接会触发整页重新加载;很少有链接通过 Angular 的路由系统.在我们的模块定义之后,我们有以下内容:
We have a relatively "traditional" web application in that most of the links trigger full page reloads; very few links go through Angular's routing system. Right after our module definition, we have the following:
app.run(function($location, $rootElement) {
这会停止 内置拦截点击,Angular 使用它来操纵 URL 等,当您点击链接时;问题是你现在必须手动使用 $location
每当你想让 Angular 做它的 URL 魔法(例如通过一个 ngClick
和一个函数相应地操作 $location
This stops the built-in interception of clicks that Angular uses to manipulate the URL and such when you click on a link; the catch is that you now have to use $location
manually whenever you want Angular to do its URL magic (e.g. via an ngClick
and a function that manipulates $location
您可以考虑使用 $rootElement.off
结合特殊指令或配置函数,在您检测到包含特定 URL 片段的链接上重新安装此行为.
You may consider using $rootElement.off
combined with a special directive or configuration function that re-installs this behavior on links that you detect contain a certain URL fragment.
这篇关于Angular 应用中的外部链接的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!