

哪种编译器选项最能确保dartdevc生成可与Minifier友好的javascript代码,这些代码可以由Google Closure编译器在ADVANCED模式下进行压缩.

What compiler options are best to ensure that dartdevc generates minifier friendly javascript code which can be compressed by google closure compiler in ADVANCED mode.

请显示一个经过测试的示例,该示例指定1. dartdevc和2. java -jar goolge-closure-compiler.jar作为简单的bash脚本,而没有pub.

Please show a tested example that specifies options for 1. dartdevc, and 2. java -jar goolge-closure-compiler.jar as a simple bash script, without pub.


Module type should be 'common' if possible, dart_sdk.js should be included, the final result should be es3 or es5 for compatibility with all browsers, and all output goes into one compressed .js file.


dartdevc编译器目前不用于生产用途,并且不支持任何类型的高级"优化(例如, Google Closure编译器).我们唯一受支持的优化路径是使用dart2js,这是我们的优化编译器,在许多情况下,其性能均优于或优于Google Closure编译器.

The dartdevc compiler is not meant for production usage at this time, and does not support any sort of "advanced" optimizations (such as those done by the Google Closure Compiler). Our only supported optimization path is using dart2js, our optimizing compiler which in many cases is as good as or better the Google Closure Compiler.

请参见何时应使用dartdevc" 在常见问题"页面上:

See "When should I use dartdevc" on our FAQ page:


Keep using dart2js to build your deployed, production application. With dart2js you get advanced optimizations such as tree shaking to minimize downloaded code size.


I'm excited you'd like to see dartdevc work for more use cases, but we are concentrating on a great developer experience and keeping optimization usage in dart2js at this time.


08-22 21:37