


Ok so using this code I ran some testing to see what the main problem was. I found there is a problem with the phone number input validation so i #'ed it ,so its inactive.(if your are able to fix that problem wil lgive you a sticker.Anyway:

def main():

    name = []
    phone = []
    groupno = []
    score = []
    review = []

    q = input('Do you wish to Continue Y/N')
    while q != "Y":

        def data(name, phone, groupno, score, namelist, groupsizes,phonumber, mealscore):

            name =  input("Please enter the customer's name.")

        #phone = int(input("Please enter the customer's Phone Number."))
        #if len.str(phone) == 11:
        #    else: phone = int(input("Please enter the customer's Phone Number."))

        sizeofgroup = int(input('Please enter the size of group: '))
        while sizeofgroup < 1 or sizeofgroup > 20:
            sizeofgroup = int(input('Please enter a valid group size: '))

        score = int(input('Please enter the rating of the meal: '))
        while score <= 1 or score >= 10:
            score = int(input('Please enter the rating of the meal- between 1 and 10: '))



您是否希望继续 Y/N?:y 回溯(最近一次通话):文件\QRSTORAGE\SMCPupilData$\stirlim\Work\S5\Computing\Coursework
Task\Program\code2.py",第 35 行,在 main() 文件中"\QRSTORAGE\SMCPupilData$\stirlim\Work\S5\Computing\Coursework
Task\Program\code2.py", line 16, in main namelist.append(name)NameError: 全局名称namelist"未定义


Not sure what the error means but ofc its something to do with declaration of variables


因为 Python 使用缩进来确定作用域,所以分配 namelist 必须缩进以与对 name.否则它在函数之外的范围内,并且那里没有名为 namelist 的变量.更有用的错误消息是行需要缩进",但 Python 无法猜测这一点.

Because Python uses indentation for scoping, the assignment namelist has to be indented to line up with the assignment to name. Otherwise it is in the scope outside the function, and there is no variable called namelist there. A more helpful error message would be "line needs to be indented", but there's no way for Python to guess that.

另外,len.str(phone) 失败,因为它试图获取 lenstr 属性,但它没有得到一.你的意思是len(str(phone)).

Also, len.str(phone) fails because it tries to get the str attribute of len, and it hasn't got one. You mean len(str(phone)).


08-22 20:28