本文介绍了可空列在 PostgreSQL 中占用额外空间吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个有 7 列的表,其中 5 列为空.我将在 inttextdatebooleanmoney 数据类型.该表将包含具有许多空值的数百万行.恐怕空值会占用空间.

I have a table with 7 columns and 5 of them will be null. I will have a null columns on int, text, date, boolean, and money data types. This table will contain millions of rows with many many nulls. I am afraid that the null values will occupy space.

另外,你知道 Postgres 是否索引空值吗?我想防止它索引空值.

Also, do you know if Postgres indexes null values? I would like to prevent it from indexing nulls.


基本上,NULL 值在 NULL 位图中占据 1 位.但事情没那么简单.

Basically, NULL values occupy 1 bit in the NULL bitmap. But it's not that simple.

空位图(每行)仅在该行中至少有一列包含 NULL 值时才分配.这可能会在具有 9 列或更多列的表中导致看似矛盾的效果:将第一个 NULL 值分配给列可能比向其中写入值占用更多的磁盘空间.相反,从行中删除最后一个 NULL 值也会删除 NULL 位图.

The null bitmap (per row) is only allocated if at least one column in that row holds a NULL value. This can lead to a seemingly paradoxic effect in tables with 9 or more columns: assigning the first NULL value to a column can take up more space on disk than writing a value to it. Conversely, removing the last NULL value from the row also removes the NULL bitmap.

物理上,初始空位图在 HeapTupleHeader(23 字节)和实际列数据或行 OID(如果你应该仍然使用它) - 它总是MAXALIGN的倍数开始(通常是8个字节).这留下了 1 字节 由初始空位图使用的填充.

Physically, the initial null bitmap occupies 1 byte between the HeapTupleHeader (23 bytes) and actual column data or the row OID (if you should still be using that) - which always start at a multiple of MAXALIGN (typically 8 bytes). This leaves 1 byte of padding that is utilized by the initial null bitmap.

实际上,NULL 存储对于 8 列或更少的表是完全免费的(包括已删除但尚未清除的列).
之后,另一个 MAXALIGN 字节(通常为 8)被分配给下一个 MAXALIGN * 8 列(通常为 64).等

In effect, NULL storage is absolutely free for tables of 8 columns or less (including dropped, but not yet purged columns).
After that, another MAXALIGN bytes (typically 8) are allocated for the next MAXALIGN * 8 columns (typically 64). Etc.


More details in the manual and under these related questions:


Once you understand alignment padding of data types, you can further optimize storage:


But the cases are rare where you can save substantial amounts of space. Normally it's not worth the effort.

@Daniel 已经介绍了对索引大小的影响.

@Daniel already covers effects on index size.

注意删除的列(虽然现在不可见)会保留在系统目录中,直到重新创建表.这些僵尸可以强制分配(放大的)NULL 位图.见:

Note that dropped columns (though now invisible) are kept in the system catalogs until the table is recreated. Those zombis can force the allocation of an (enlarged) NULL bitmap. See:

这篇关于可空列在 PostgreSQL 中占用额外空间吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-22 19:49