





- >将显示包含2014年12月付款信息的页面。显然这个月有交易。


- >将显示支付摘要页面。没有下载数据。



- >显示2014年11月付款信息的页面。 

点击"下载交易"   - >下载包含交易数据的csv文件。

Steps to reproduce (seems to be depend on the content of the actual payment report (see below)):

(1) From the new Windows Store dashboard go to the "Payout Summary" page.
(2) In the section "Payment statements" click on "Most recent" and select "2014".
(3) In the line that starts with "Dec 2014" click on "View"
--> A page with the payment information of December 2014 is presented. Apparently there were transactions in this month.
(4) Click on "Download transactions"
--> The payout summary page is displayed. No data was downloaded.
The link behind the "Download transactions" is https://dev.windows.com/fdpayout#

(5) In the line that starts with "Nov 2014" click on "View".
--> A page with the payment information of November 2014 is presented. 
(6) Click on "Download transactions"
Click on "Download transactions"  -> A csv file containing the transaction data is downloaded.


2014年12月的付款报告仅包含交易来自 Windows Store 8 ,而2014年11月的付款报告仅包含来自
Windows Phone商店的交易。

The payment report for December 2014 only had transactions from the Windows Store 8 whereas the payment report for November 2014 only had transactions from theWindows Phone Store.

然而,2014年4月的付款报告中有来自两个商店的交易,但导出的csv文件似乎只包含来自Windows Phone商店的交易。

The payment report for April 2014 however had transactions from both stores, but the exported csv file seems to only include the transactions from the Windows Phone Store.


I明白你无法下载2014年12月的销售报告。谢谢你让我知道这个问题。请使用  https://dev.windows.com/fdpayout

I do understand that you are unable to download the sales report of Dec 2014.Thank You letting me know about this Issue.Please Use https://dev.windows.com/fdpayout and Try again.


Please Report this Issue using Feedback Page in the New Dashboard, that will help in making the Dashboard better for this type of issue.

  请联系  开发


Aditya Kumar


08-21 15:36