升级到xcode 6后,我发现当我在iOS模拟器中运行iOS 8下的应用程序时,无论我选择iPhone还是iPad,它的运行速度都非常慢。但如果我选择它在iOS 7下运行它运行正常。
After upgraded to xcode 6 I found that when I run my app under iOS 8 in iOS simulator, it ran very slowly, no matter when I choose iPhone or iPad. But if I choose it to run under iOS 7 it ran normally.I was thinking that it was an app/coding related problem so then I tried to deploy it on my ipad with iOS8 and strangely the app run normally, not as slow as simulator doesDoes anybody on SO experience this issue?
iOS模拟器中的性能预计不会与设备上的性能相匹配。 iOS模拟器是一种快速原型设计和快速迭代的工具。性能调整需要在真实设备上完成。
Performance in the iOS Simulator is not expected to match performance on device. The iOS Simulator is meant as a tool for rapid prototyping and fast iteration. Performance tuning needs to be done on real devices.
在iOS模拟器中运行的进程基本上是在特殊引导程序中的特制运行时中运行的OS X进程,其行为类似于iOS而不是OS X.在过去的4年中,这已经从基本的UIKit和基于OS X框架的类似iOS框架发展到现在拥有我们自己的引导服务器(从iOS 7开始),我们自己的dyld(从iOS 8开始) ),并且只共享主机内核和非常低级别的系统库(iOS 7中的libSystem,以及iOS 8中libSystem的pthread,syscalls和平台子代)。
Processes running in the iOS Simulator are basically OS X processes running in a specially crafted runtime within a special bootstrap to behave like iOS rather than OS X. Over the past 4 years, this has evolved from basically UIKit and similar iOS Frameworks built on top of OS X Frameworks to now having our own bootstrap server (as of iOS 7), our own dyld (as of iOS 8), and only sharing the host kernel and very low level system libraries (libSystem as of iOS 7, and just the pthreads, syscalls, and platform children of libSystem as of iOS 8).
当您在当前未引导的设备上测试应用程序时,我们会关闭设备并启动新设备,并且该过程可能需要10到1分钟或2才能完成,主要基于磁盘的I / O带宽以及您系统上的其他任务要求它。
When you test an app on a device that is not currently booted, we shutdown the device and boot the new one, and that process can take 10s to a minute or 2 to complete based primarily on your disk's I/O bandwidth and what other tasks on your system are demanding of it.
If you see major performance issues with a sim device that has been booted for a while and don't have any obvious background tasks running (compilation, rsync, whatever), take a sysdiagnose and take a look at the simulator processes in the spin dump and fs_usage to see what's likely going on.
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