We have an OpenCV problem of opening (and writing) file paths that contain non-Ascii characters on Windows.I saw questions OpenCV imread with foreign characters and imread(openCV),QString unicodes but still didn't understand a proper way of solving the problem.
就像我在OpenCV源代码中看到的,它甚至在Windows上使用fopen(而不是_wfopen),afaik fopen不处理Windows上的非ascii字符。从上面的问题,我看到可能有一些技巧使用QStrings,但如果它的工作原理是什么?如何将unicode字符串转换为Windows?fopen()接受的字符数组?
As far I as I saw in the OpenCV source code, it uses fopen even on Windows (instead of _wfopen) and afaik fopen does not handle non-ascii characters on Windows. From the questions above I saw that there could be some trick using QStrings, but if it works what does it exactly do? How does it transform a unicode string to a character array that will be accepted by Windows' fopen()?
没有破解OpenCV源代码的方法是使用 _wfopen
(如Remy建议)将整个文件读入内存缓冲区。然后使用OpenCV的函数从该缓冲区创建 cv :: Mat
The way to do this without hacking the OpenCV source code is to use _wfopen
(as Remy suggested) to read the whole file into a memory buffer. Then use OpenCV's function imdecode
to create a cv::Mat
from that buffer.
如果有必要,请使用撰写图像到内存缓冲区,然后使用 _wfopen
打开一个具有UNICODE名称的文件,并将缓冲区写入它(或者,您可以 imwrite
You can do the reverse too, if necessary - i.e. use imencode
to write an image to a memory buffer, then use _wfopen
to open a file with a UNICODE name and write the buffer to it (alternatively, you could just imwrite
to a temporary file and then move/rename it using the appropriate API function).
这篇关于opencv imread()在Windows上的非ASCII文件名的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!