To begin with, I would like to ask, is there a difference between the following two statements for XML nodes:
- 检查节点是否为空节点;
- 检查节点是否存在;
假设我有一个这样的 XML 文件:
Suppose I have an XML file like this:
<current_onset_date>2009-06-07 00:00:00</current_onset_date>
and I want to check whether the "current_onset_date" node exists or not, I used the following XSLT:
<xsl:for-each select="claim_export_xml_row ">
<xsl:if test="claim_number =$mother_claim_no and /current_onset_date ">
for-each 循环是我必须忍受的一些逻辑,以便循环工作.但是我在运行这个 XSLT 后实际上得到了错误的结果,上面的 xml 数据不会被我的 XSLT 抓取.但我认为使用current_onset_date =‘‘"也不正确,因为它正在测试current_onset_date 是否包含任何内容".
The for-each loop is some logic that I have to bear with in order for the loop to work. But I actuall got wrong result after running this XSLT, the above xml data won't be grabbed by my XSLT. But I don't think using "current_onset_date =‘‘ " is correct either, since it is testing for "whether current_onset_date contains nothing".
Could anybody tell me where my mistake is and also help me with my question listed in the beginning, thanks!
它应该可以工作,只是你有两个和"并且你不需要在 current_onset_date 之前的前导/.
It should work except that you've got two "and"'s and you don't need the leading / before current_onset_date.
If you want to check for emptiness as well, you can use:
<xsl:for-each select="claim_export_xml_row ">
<xsl:if test="claim_number =$mother_claim_no and current_onset_date != ''">
这样做的原因是元素的字符串值是其中所有文本的串联,因此该表达式将仅选择 current_onset_date
The reason this works is that the string value of an element is the concatenation of all the text inside it, so this expression will only select rows where current_onset_date
exists and contains a non-empty string. If you want to exclude elements that contain nothing but whitespace, you can write:
<xsl:for-each select="claim_export_xml_row ">
<xsl:if test="claim_number =$mother_claim_no and normalize-space( current_onset_date ) != ''">
这篇关于使用 XSLT 检查节点是否存在的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!