当选择option1时,如何用+ 1投票更新访问数据库。数据库只有一个记录与Option1,Option2,Option3&等等。总计投票计数将显示在每个列下,基于选择哪个选项。
How can I code when option1 is selected to update access db with + 1 vote. Database only has one record with Option1, Option2, Option3 & etc in each column. The total vote count will display under each column based on which option is choosen.
The biggest problem is your table structure. Manipulating the data would be far easier if the options were stored in rows (not columns). For a very simple table, insert each option as a separate row, initialized with 0 votes:
RecordID | OptionName | TotalVotes
1 | T-Shirt 1 | 0
2 | T-Shirt 2 | 0
3 | T-Shirt 3 | 0
5 | T-Shirt 5 | 0
然后使用SELECT查询的结果填充表单(如果需要, :
Then use the results of your SELECT query to populate your form (or display the totals if needed):
<cfoutput query="poll">
<input type="radio" name="TshirtOption" value="#RecordID#"> #OptionName#
When the form is submitted, increment the total votes for the selected option. Add validation of course.
<cfquery name="updateVote" datasource="fiteastpoll">
UPDATE Tshirt_poll
SET TotalVotes = TotalVotes + 1
WHERE RecordID = <cfqueryparam value="#form.TshirtOption#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">
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