有各种开源汇编器,例如 gas、nasm 和 yasm.它们有不同的 pseudo-ops
和 macro
There are various open source assemblers such as gas, nasm, and yasm. They have different pseudo-ops
and macro
syntaxes. For many open source projects, assembler is pre-processed to replace constants and platform conditionals.
假设您可以使用所有当前的 attributes
和 #pragmas
What limitations would gcc
have creating assembler assuming you can use all current attributes
and #pragmas
, excluding translation performance (compile/assemble to binary time)?
我不是在谈论 inline-assembly.
#define MOV(RA,RB) (OXFEB10000UL | RA << 16 | RB)
#define ADD(RA,RB) (OXFEB20000UL | RA << 16 | RB)
unsigned long add4[] __attribute(section(".text")) =
.也许这是一个 XY 问题;我试图理解为什么有这么多汇编程序.似乎一切都可以由预处理器完成,而汇编器确实是程序员的偏好;或者我缺少技术限制.
I believe that using pointer arithmetic can allow simulation of .
and other labels
. Perhaps this is an XY problem; I am trying to understand why there are so many assemblers at all. It seems like everything can be done by the pre-processor and the assembler is really a programmer preference; or there is a technical limitation I am missing.
我想这可能与你可以用汇编程序做的事情你不能用 外壳代码'.
I guess this might be related to 'Something you can do with an assembler that you can't do with shell code'.
我已将它从 C 重新标记为 compiler.我对汇编程序的技术细节感兴趣.它只是一个 1-1
I have re-tagged this from C to compiler. I am interested in the technical details of an assembler. Is it simply a 1-1
translation and emitting relocations (as a compiler will) or is there more? I don't mean for people to code assembler as I have outlined above. I am trying to understand what the assemblers are doing. I don't believe there is a Dragon book for assemblers. Of course, the pre-processor can not create a binary
by itself and needs additional machinery; it only translates text.
我认为 XY 问题 是错误的描述.问题更多的是Concept A需要评估Concept B".
I think that XY Problem is a wrong description. The question is more "Concept A is needed to evaluate Concept B".
概念 A:什么是汇编程序?
参见:汇编器和装载器,作者 David Solomon.[一些智慧的珍珠,一些古老的琐事]
See: Assemblers and Loader, by David Solomon. [some pearls of wisdom, some archaic trivia]
- A Symbol table to facilitates linking through some object format.
- Lexer and Parser for converting the text to a data structure or directly to machine code.
- Does 2 passes for most efficient branch and sub-routine calling.
- An opcode table.
翻译.但是,通常会存在几种分支和调用的变体;通常称为 long 和 short 版本.使用的操作码取决于到目的地的距离;需要一个两遍编译器来优化前向分支.
An assembler is generally a 1-1
translation. However, often several variants of branches and calls will exist; generally known as long and short version. The opcode used will depend on the distance to the destination; a two pass compiler is needed to optimize forward branches.
概念 B:将C"预处理器用作汇编器.
Concept B: Using the 'C' pre-processor as an assembler.
C"预处理器可以模拟的最好的是 1-pass 汇编器.一大类 CPU/指令可以这样编码;尽管宏可能很麻烦.不会有 listings 或 xrefs,但大多数人不会错过这些功能.此外,由于预处理器的限制,语法会很奇怪.处理地址修正会很困难,因为标签会通过使用指针或手动编码的 #define
The best a 'C' pre-processor could emulate is a 1-pass assembler. A large class of CPU/instructions can be encoded like this; although the macros could be cumbersome. There would be no listings or xrefs, but most people would not miss those features. Also, the syntax would be odd due to limitation of the pre-processor. It would be difficult dealing with address fix-ups as labels would either re-use the 'C' symbol table by using pointers or a hand coded #define
for the label offset. This limits this approach to anything but a basic block.
YUV/RGB 转换或 MP3 解码等大型汇编程序例程极不可能以这种方式使用.
Large assembler routines such as YUV/RGB transforms or MP3 decoding are highly unlikely to be used this way.
多架构代码很常见.例如,ARM wifi 芯片可能将其代码作为固件嵌入到 Linux 内核中.这种技术可能在这里有用.但是,为不同的架构使用单独的编译器/汇编器,然后使用 objcopy
Multiple architecture code is quite common. For example an ARM wifi chip may have it's code embedded in a Linux kernel as firmware. It is possible that this technique could be useful here. However, using separate compilers/assembler for the different architectures and then using objcopy
to embedded them is far more sane.
This is probably the most useful. In fact many tools, such as linkers and loaders have high level functions which patch code at run time. It could also be used to conditionally change a routine at runtime; function pointers are almost as fast and easier to understand, not to mention the cache coherency issues.
另请参阅:Gold 博客,作者 Ian兰斯·泰勒.[虽然他使用 <templates>
See also: Gold Blog, by Ian Lance Taylor. [although he uses <templates>
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