我Compact Framework的应用程序(.NET 3.5,VS 2008)的编译失败,出现此错误:
The compilation of my Compact Framework app (.NET 3.5, VS 2008) failed with this error:
*部署和/或注册失败,出现错误:0x8973190e。写文件时出错'%csidl_program_files%\ HHS \ system.data.dll中。错误0x80070070:没有磁盘空间不足*
*Deployment and/or registration failed with error: 0x8973190e. Error writing file '%csidl_program_files%\hhs\system.data.dll'. Error 0x80070070: There is not enough space on the disk.*
Selecting Tools > Device Emulator Manager shows me nothing promising; nor does Project > Properties > Devices.
Vasiliy, is this what you meant? I:
0) Created a folder on my C drive named "VirtualStorageCardForNewHHSCFVS2008"
1) In Project > Properties > Devices > Output file folder, I changed the settings from this:
...but now I get different err msgs. If I simply shut down the emulator as soon as it pops up, I get, "The RPC server is unavailable"
此后,在试图运行它,我得到的,部署和/或注册失败,出现错误:。0x8973190e写文件时出错'\的Windows \ NETCFv35.ppc.armv4.cab错误0x80070070:没有足够的空间在盘。 设备连接组件
Thereafter, on attempting to run it, I get, "Deployment and/or registration failed with error: 0x8973190e. Error writing file '\Windows\NETCFv35.ppc.armv4.cab'. Error 0x80070070: There is not enough space on the disk. Device Connectivity Component"
我没有看到一个的COM preSS在我的项目属性选项;事实上,成员全收集是完全不同的:
I don't see a "Compress" option in my Project Properties; in fact, the whole collection of members are radically different:
Take all the extra applications off of your Emulator.
It should have NOTHING on it but the essentials. Bare bones, if you like.
So, how do your DLL files get copied over to your device?
简单!这发生在您启动调试器,因为你的项目将被设置为部署所需要的一切,它可以融为一体preSS的文件(COM pression帮助,但在启动调试程序时,它可能不是必要的)。
Simple! That happens when you start your debugger because your Project will be set to deploy everything it needs and it can compress the files (the compression helps, but it may not be necessary when starting the debugger).