iTunes Connect提供了一个基于浏览器的UI,用于使用Apple的新版Test Flight为处于beta测试的应用添加和删除外部测试器.
iTunes Connect provides a browser-based UI for adding and removing external testers for apps that are in beta test, using Apple's new version of Test Flight.
是否可以在不使用Web UI的情况下(例如,使用命令行工具)访问此功能?
Is there a way to access this functionality without using the web UI -- for instance, with a command line tool?
Apple似乎没有提供用于通过程序访问iTunes Connect的官方 API.但是,稍作搜索表明iTunes Connect是与JSON API对话的AngularJS应用.是否有任何开放源代码项目或工作代码段显示了如何使用API?
It seems like Apple doesn't provide an official API for accessing iTunes Connect programmatically. But a little googling suggests that iTunes Connect is an AngularJS app that talks to a JSON API. Are there any open source projects or working code snippets that show how to use the API?
我对管理外部测试人员特别感兴趣,而不是自动将内部版本上传到iTunes Connect.
I am specifically interested in managing external testers, not automating the upload of builds to iTunes Connect.
fastlane的开发者在这里.我仔细研究了iTunes Connect如何与Beta测试人员一起使用,并添加了一个新的 commit 为您.
developer of fastlane here. I took a closer look at how iTunes Connect works with beta testers and added a new commit for you.
以下是有关如何使用API的更多信息: https://github.com/fastlane/itc-api-docs#register-new-external-beta-tester
Here is more information about how to use the API: https://github.com/fastlane/itc-api-docs#register-new-external-beta-tester
Let me know if there is anything missing
这篇关于iTunes Connect是否提供用于通过工具管理外部测试人员的API?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!