

我有一个表格引导工作正常。而jQuery验证工作正常。当谈到 AJAX 提交code,有什么不对。提交的作品即使表格未验证。




 <形式ID =预订的方法=后级=形行动=>
    <按钮类型=提交ID =提交级=BTN BTN-大BTN-块BTN小学>现在预订< /按钮>
< /形式GT;




    变种形式= $(本);
    VAR POST_URL = form.attr('行动');
    变种post_data = form.serialize();
    $('#装载机,形式)。html的('< IMG SRC =htt​​p://www.fethiye-tours.com/assets/images/lightbox/loading.gif/>请稍候... );





在换句话说,任何阿贾克斯() code那张 submitHandler 的回调函数中,只有当触发的形式是有效的。因此,摆脱你的整个。对('提交')处理函数,并做到这一点,而不是...



    $('#预约)验证({//<  - 将'.validate()'到窗体
            名字: {
                // MINLENGTH:2,
                rangelength:[2,40],//<  - 结合MINLENGTH和最大长度规则
        submitHandler:功能(形式){//<  - 只有火灾时,形式是有效的
            $('#装载机,$(形式))HTML('< IMG SRC =htt​​p://www.fethiye-tours.com/assets/images/lightbox/loading.gif/>请等待。 ..');
            }); //<  - 结束。阿贾克斯()
            返回false; //<  - 块默认表单操作
        } //<  - 结束submitHandler'回调
    }); //<  - 结束.validate()

}); //<  - 结束DOM就绪处理程序

它看起来并不像你所需要的 POST_URL 变量,因为你已经声明网​​址在您阿贾克斯()。还不如省下线,并与做同样的 post_data 了。

I've a form with bootstrap which works fine. And jQuery Validation works fine. When it comes to ajax submit code, there is something wrong. Submit works even if the form is not validated.

Lets say I left one field empty and pressed submit, it highlights the error on the empty field but ajax still submits the form.

How can I stop action and ask for validation?

This is the form markup:

<form id="booking" method="post" class="form" action="" >
    ....some input fields here....
    <button type="submit" id="submit" class="btn btn-large btn-block btn-primary">Book Now</button>

This is the jQuery Validation:

    rules: {
        firstname: {minlength: 2, maxlength: 40, required: true},
        lastname: {minlength: 2, maxlength: 40, required: true},
        email: {email: true, required: true},
        country: {required: true},
        mobile: {minlength: 2, maxlength: 40, required: true},
        address: {minlength: 3, required: true}

This part is the ajax() submit:

$('#booking').on('submit', function(e) {
    var form = $(this);
    var post_url = form.attr('action');
    var post_data = form.serialize();
    $('#loader', form).html('<img src="http://www.fethiye-tours.com/assets/images/lightbox/loading.gif" /> Please Wait...');
        type: 'POST',
        url: 'http://www.fethiye-tours.com/book.php',
        data: post_data,
        success: function(msg) {
            $(form).fadeOut(500, function(){

Quote OP:

That's because your custom .on('submit') handler is over-riding the jQuery Validation plugin's built-in submit handler.

Referring to the documentation for the jQuery Validation plugin,

In other words, any .ajax() code goes inside of the submitHandler callback function, which only fires when the form is valid. So get rid of your entire .on('submit') handler function and do this instead...

(BTW: properly indented/formatted code is better for everyone to read and troubleshoot)

$(document).ready(function() {

    $('#booking').validate({  // <- attach '.validate()' to your form
        // any rules, options, and callbacks,
        rules: {
            firstname: {
                // minlength: 2,
                // maxlength: 40,
                rangelength: [2,40], // <- combines minlength and maxlength rules
                required: true
            //  more rules,
        submitHandler: function(form) { // <- only fires when form is valid
            $('#loader', $(form)).html('<img src="http://www.fethiye-tours.com/assets/images/lightbox/loading.gif" /> Please Wait...');
                type: 'POST',
                url: 'http://www.fethiye-tours.com/book.php',
                data: $(form).serialize(),
                success: function(msg) {
                    $(form).fadeOut(500, function(){
            });            // <- end '.ajax()'
            return false;  // <- block default form action
        }                  // <- end 'submitHandler' callback
    });                    // <- end '.validate()'

});                        // <- end DOM ready handler

It doesn't look like you need the post_url variable since you're already declaring the url within your .ajax(). Might as well save a line and do the same with post_data too.


08-04 03:32