我有两张桌子如下。对于公式,假设ID1在单元格A1上,表之间有一个空行,因此ID位于单元格A4上。 ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID_OF_MAXDATE
abd#N / A formula_here
a 1/1/2015
b 1/2/2015
e 1/3 / 2015
d 1/4/2015
g 1/5/2015
在公式,我想要id的最大日期,如果id在该行。所以在这种情况下,从a,b,d - 最大日期是d与1/4/2015。所以我想要公式输出d。
我到目前为止还有以下,但是#N / A丢掉了。没有N / A值,下面输出最大日期。但是,我想要最大日期的ID。它应该忽略范围内的N / A。请注意,表1中的所有ID将显示在表2中。但表1中的某些id列可能为N / A。
= MAX(IF(A2:D2 = A7:A11,B7:B11))
一个比预期更大和复杂的公式,但它会考虑到日期在数据集中可能会出现多次。确保并使用 CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER 输入。
= IF(SUM(IFERROR (A2:D2,$ A $ 6:$ A $ 10,0), ))大于0,LOOKUP(REPT( Z,255),IF(MAX(IF(FREQUENCY(IFERROR(MATCH(移调(A2 :D2),$ A $ 6:$ A $ 10,0), ),ROW($ B $ 6:$ B $ 10)-ROW($ B $ 6)1),$ B $ 6:$ B $ 10))= IF(FREQUENCY(IFERROR(MATCH(移调(A2:D2),$ A $ 6:$ A $ 10,0),0),ROW($ B $ 6:$ B $ 10)-ROW($ B $ 6)1), $ B $ 6:$ B $ 10),$ A $ 6:$ A $ 10)),找不到匹配)
I have two tables as below. For formulas, assume "ID1" is on cell A1 and one blank row between tables so "ID" is on cell A4.
a b d #N/A formula_here
a 1/1/2015
b 1/2/2015
e 1/3/2015
d 1/4/2015
g 1/5/2015
In the formula, I want the id of the max date if id's in that row. So in this case, out of a,b,d - the max date is d with 1/4/2015. So the I want the formula to output d.
I have the below so far but the #N/A throws it off. Without the N/A value, the below outputs the max date. However, I want the ID of the max date. And it should ignore N/A's in the range. Note, all ID's in table 1 will appear in table 2. But some id columns in table 1 may be N/A.
A much bigger and complex formula than expected, but it will take into account that a date can appear more than once in the data set. Be sure and enter with CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER.
=IF(SUM(IFERROR(MATCH(A2:D2,$A$6:$A$10,0),""))>0,LOOKUP(REPT("Z",255),IF(MAX(IF(FREQUENCY(IFERROR(MATCH(TRANSPOSE(A2:D2),$A$6:$A$10,0),""),ROW($B$6:$B$10)-ROW($B$6)+1),$B$6:$B$10))=IF(FREQUENCY(IFERROR(MATCH(TRANSPOSE(A2:D2),$A$6:$A$10,0),0),ROW($B$6:$B$10)-ROW($B$6)+1),$B$6:$B$10),$A$6:$A$10)),"No Match Found")
I also put in some additional error handling. The formula will return "No Match Found" if it is unable to find a match.