I have been looking at and playing with OWL through Protege and I would like to know if I understand the "workflow" and idea of it correctly (for building up a database from scratch:
- 使用Protege或同等功能为您的数据生成OWL本体
- 将此架构导出到RDF
- 使用定义为三元组中的某些元素的类以及您的目标数据
- 将您的Triplestore导出到RDF
- 使用openRDF/sesame或Jena加载定义的数据和本体
- 根据OWL本体验证RDF三重存储,以确保一切正常
- 使用SPARQL从RDF三重存储中获取数据
- 使用OWL推理程序执行某项操作(此处并不清楚)
I would like to get an idea of what others are doing and how they are approaching this type of problem.
In addition I have a specific question:
似乎猫头鹰推理器仅用于确定本体的子类超类关系.但是就数据而言,如何查询子类-SPARQL中的超类关系.例如,如果我的三重店定义(pizzaID1是-a marghareta),并且我在SPARQL中查询素食比萨饼,那么如何确保返回pizzaID1.
It seems like an owl reasoner is used to determine sub-class superclass relationships only for ontologies. But in terms of data how to you query for subclass - superclass relationships in SPARQL. For example if my triple store defines (pizzaID1 is-a marghareta ) and I query for vegetarian pizza in SPARQL how do I make sure that pizzaID1 is returned.
I think that the answer has something to do with generating a "full-graph", one in which every relationship is explicitly stated. Does sparql do any automatic reasoning when querying triplestores, or is generating such a full graph neccessary?
There are many possible workflows, but it really doesn't have to be that complex.
- 在某些编辑器中生成了OWL本体
- 将本体导出为RDF
- 将本体导入三重存储
- 将数据导入三重存储
- 使用SPARQL查询数据
The sub/superclass reasoning is what the reasoner is used for, if you use a store with a builtin reasoner then then it's information will be used by SPARQL, so if you do:
SELECT ?pizza
?pizza a :VegitarianPizza .
You will get back all the pizzas that are members of the class VegitarianPizza, or any of it's subclasses.
I'm guessing that the class VegitarianPizza is defined in your ontology as a pizza that has no ingredients that are meat? Rather than assigning each pizza to a class by hand? Otherwise there's really no need for OWL, and you could just use RDFS, which is much simpler.