


I have an ant script that does what it needs to do, but I need to set a few property values based on whether I'm running release or debug. How do I do this?


If it makes a difference, my ant script runs some custom utility tasks before performing android build.


属性,寻找有的 build.mode.release 的和 build.mode.debug 的,但是,现在的警告 ...如果您有明显的可调试=真正的的,系统的恢复以调试模式有轻微的短未来(IMO)

The properties to look for are "build.mode.release" and "build.mode.debug", however there IS a caveat ... if your manifest has debuggable="true", the system REVERTS to debug mode with a slight 'short-coming' (IMO)

  1. build.mode.release 的是不会设置

  2. build.mode.debug是同时不设置

  3. 签署调试已禁用(你必须提供一个密钥存储,别名和密码)


Note: This applies only to Android builds


究其原因,警告在Android的实际记录 main_rules.xml 项目( $ ANDROID_SDK_R​​OOT /工具/ ANT / main_rules.xml

The reason for the "caveat" is actually documented in the Android main_rules.xml project ($ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/tools/ant/main_rules.xml):

<target name="-set-release-mode">
    <!-- release mode is only valid if the manifest does not explicitly
         set debuggable to true. default is false.
         We actually store build.packaging.debug, not build.release -->
    <xpath input="AndroidManifest.xml" expression="/manifest/application/@android:debuggable"
            output="build.packaging.debug" default="false"/>

所以,你要检查什么 build.mode.debug (通过蚂蚁调试执行), build.mode.release (当 @可调试=假蚂蚁发布执行),最后以满足您的警告: build.packaging.debug (当 @可调试=真并与执行蚂蚁发布

So what you want to check for is build.mode.debug (executed via ant debug), build.mode.release (when @debuggable=false and executed with ant release), and finally to meet your caveat: build.packaging.debug (when @debuggable=true and executed with ant release)

下面是将工作$ P $自动对编译一个例子:

Here's an example that would work pre-compile automatically:

<target name="-my-debug-precompile" if="build.mode.debug">
  <!-- This is executed for any "debug" build ("ant debug") -->

<target name="-my-release-precompile" unless="build.mode.debug">
  <!-- This is executed for any non-"debug" build (e.g., "ant release",
       regardless of the @debuggable attribute in AndroidManifest.xml) -->

<!-- This is called automatically by Android's ant tasks, and delegates the
     task to one of the above two targets: -->
<target name="-pre-compile" depends="-my-debug-precompile,-my-release-precompile" />


08-01 13:14