While discussing how to process AT commands with a colleague,we discovered that contrary to our belief the commandAT&W
(store user profile) is not specified in V.250(it only specifies ATZ
and AT&F
, which are related),leaving us wondering - where is it specified then?
更新:是的,我们希望该命令的起源于Hayes命令集,几乎所有基本语法命令都可以.但是,大部分的Hayes命令已导入到正式的诸如 V.250 之类的标准,或者3GPP的 27.007 .由于V.250没有导入此命令,我们想知道可能是因为它是在其他一些标准中指定的.
Update: Yes, we expected the command to have its origin in theHayes command set, virtually all the basic syntax commands does.However, most of the Hayes command have been imported into formalstandards like V.250 by ITU or 27.007 by 3GPP.Since V.250 did not import this command we were wonderingthat it might be because it was specified in some other standard.
And in any case other standards have defined various commands.Here is an extract from a comment I put in the source codewhen I were working with the AT+VTS
command last year(which has by the way the most non-standardparameter syntax I have ever seen!).
Does anyone have a reference to a formal standard/documentation(like above) that defines AT&W
? We are not just looking formanufacturer documentation of some random modem (unless for the original Hayes modems).
After some searching I think I have found answers to what I was looking for, however please add additional answers if you happen to have a reference to a standard containing AT&W
虽然我没有找到有关Smartmodem 1200或Smartmodem 2400调制解调器的任何手册,我发现了一篇名为 Hayes调制解调器用户技术参考的论文.关于AT&W
While I have not found any manual for the Smartmodem 1200 or Smartmodem 2400 modems,I found a paper called Technical Reference for Hayes Modem Userswhich says the following about AT&W
&W - Write Active Profile to Memory
The &W command stores certain command options and S-register values into
one of the modem's two nonvolatile stored profile memory locations. The
command options and register values stored depend on the particular
modem. These are indicated in the user documentation for your modem.
In addition, the AT speed and parity are stored, according to the values
used at the time the command is issued.
&W0 Store the Active Profile into Stored Profile 0
&W1 Store the Active Profile into Stored Profile 1
I assume this covers more or less all modems made by Hayes, so I think this probably is the most official reference I get.
An (older) alternative specification to V.25ter/V.250 is TIA/EIA-602 with title "Data Transmission Systems and Equipment - Serial Asynchronous Automatic Dialing and Control". According to Information On Hayes command set:
,但规范未涵盖所有内容,TIA/EIA-602也被称为最小AT命令集".根据弗兰克·达达(Frank Durda)的 AT &&前缀命令集参考
but the specification is not including everything,TIA/EIA-602 is also referred to as the "Minimal AT Command Set".According to Frank Durda's AT Ampersand-Prefixed Command Set Reference
然后我将其解释为意味着Hayes Smartmodem定义了AT&W
Which I then interpret to mean that either Hayes Smartmodem defines AT&W
but EIA/TIA-602 does not import it (most likely) or that it was introduced after the creation of EIA/TIA-602 at some point (no so likely).
任何有权访问Hayes Smartmodem原始手册的人吗?
Anyone that has access to an original Hayes Smartmodem manual?
这篇关于哪个标准指定了AT& W AT命令?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!