


Is there a good (ideally CPAN) way to process arbitrary command line options with Perl?

例如,使用字符串-a 1 -b'z -x'-c -d 3 4 并生成 GetOpt :: Long -像数据结构一样:

E.g., take a string "-a 1 -b 'z -x' -c -d 3 4" and generate a GetOpt::Long - like data structure:

 { a=>1, b=>"z -x", c=>1, d=>[3,4] }  # d=>"3 4" is acceptable


  1. 这套选项事先未知;因此我们似乎无法原样使用 GetOpt :: Long

值本身可以包含其他选项,因此只需解析#\b +-(\S +)\b#模式的字符串以查找该字符串中的所有选项,似乎也不是有些参数可能是= s类型,某些参数是= s @,某些参数是 -xabc类型。

The values themselves can contain other options, so simply parsing the string for #\b+-(\S+)\b# pattern to find all the options in THAT string also seems to not be possible, and further complicated that some parameters are of =s type, some =s@, some of "-x a b c" type.

此外,即使我们可以做#2, GetOptionsFromString 是否支持尊重引用值的正确标记化?

Moreover, even if we could do #2, does GetOptionsFromString support correct tokenizing that respects quoted values?


NOTE: Assume for the purpose of exercise that ALL arguments are "options", in other words, if you split up the string into (possibly-quoted) tokens, your structure is always

 "-opt1 arg1a [arg1b] -opt2 ....".


In other words, any word/token that starts with a dash is a new option, and all the subsequent words/tokens that do NOT start with a dash are values for that option.


使用Text :: Parsewords的快速示例

A quick example using Text::Parsewords and a simple state machine.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Text::ParseWords qw/shellwords/;

my $str = q{-a 1 -b 'z -x' -c -d 3 4};
my $data = parse($str);

use Data::Printer;
p $data;

sub parse {
  my $str = shift;

  my @tokens = shellwords $str;

  my %data;
  my @keys;
  my $key = '_unknown';
  foreach my $token (@tokens) {
    if ($token =~ s/^\-//) {
      $key = $token;
      push @keys, $key;

    if ( ref $data{$key} ) {
      push @{ $data{$key} }, $token;
    } elsif (defined $data{$key}) {
      $data{$key} = [ $data{$key}, $token ];
    } else {
      $data{$key} = $token;

  foreach my $key (@keys) {
    next if defined $data{$key};
    $data{$key} = 1;

  return \%data;


07-30 00:24